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RE: If Your Post Is Really A ULOG, Then Cheetah Will Rarely Visit. You Can Introduce Those With Cheetah-Worries To The Art Of ULOGGING.

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Right???? It's the truth!!! People have been doing it sporadically... But now they can be intentional about it through #ulog

I think we all have the desire to share and connect. I think it's what makes us human. To find that connection with someone else!

I look at the first things I wrote when I came back from my hiatus (and actually when I FIRST began) and the most meaningful posts to me was where I was able to drop my guard and be vulnerable and show what mattered to me.

Not everyone got it.and not everyone should lol
But the ones that got it.. they're still close to me. ♥️

love love love this idea. And I'm so glad that I got to be a part of inspiring you!!!

yeah- that was pretty awesome to wake up to "my boy Terry" 😊highlighting my little ulog hehehehe
