Episode 11
I have been on with Lina for weeks now, exploring love, having lunch together and keeping it cool.
On a hot afternoon, I was off though, Lina does not know about my work, I have tried my best to keep it as a secrete, I don't joke with secrets , I am so uptight with them, it's only my brothers ( Hillary and Henry) that knows about the job.
We had to take a walk down the lonely path of the school, a path I never thought existed in the school compound, we had walked down, off people, and there feels like we ain't in school again but In a cool desert, we walked down a lake, I was just following as Lina takes the lead, we held hands though and laughing at every dry joke we created.
"So why did you choose this path? "... I asked amidst our laughter, her facial expression changed as she rubbed her soft pam on the back of my hand.
" this is the path I take whenever I want to be alone from the world" ... she stated slowly.
" Ohh, the notorious lousy MELINA do have some quite time outside the world? Is that not unbelievable? ".....i teased her but I was really gonna ask it .
" MELINA, well!, she is lousy to people but she ain't lousy at all, she is just building her walls high to cover her weak points, remember the rude ones are the most vulnerable ones emotionally" .... she said out with a smile.
"So why did you bring me here? "... I asked after nodding my head gently.
" it's not bad bringing someone I really love to share with my privacy, a privacy my bestfriends are oblivious about , that is how much I love him ".... she said, but I was surprised that her two best friends don't know about this place.
" you mean charity and christie don't Know about this place, that you do hang out here when you want to be left alone? ".... I asked trying to be sure of what I heard.
" yes, I am a loner, I was born with it " .. she said out with a smile , before she continued.
" look at that lake,I swim in it whenever am depressed and want to cool off, it's always cool you know especially in sunny days " ... she said pointing towards a lake at the Right hand side of the woods.
" thats cool Lina ".. I said still wondering about this whole place.
"Let's get on it, please " .. she Pleaded.
" with all pleasure my lady " ... I replied.
" let's get undressed down to our undies then since we didn't bring swimming trunks " ..... she said with a chuckle.
She started undressing, she had the best undies, the light blue colour of it matched with her skin colour, the stretch marks at somewhere below her Ass, defined originality.
When she was done, I was lost in words, she was such a damsel .
I was on my boxer, showing off my hard to achieve parks, I work out every day at 5 am.
" you have a nice body " ... she commented before I got to say something about her beautifully flatted Tommy.
" not as good as yours " ... I said as I moved towards her.
" you lie!!, maybe you are trying to flatter me , thanks anyways, shall we " ... she replied, bringing out her right hand for me to hold and pointing the left at the lake.
" sure " .. we walked down the lake, swinging hands and playfully till I pushed her inside the lake.
"Hey, hey, hey" she was chanting as she fell inside and staterted laughing, I joined her in the cool water , a remedy for the hot afternoon, chasing her around and catching fun, when we were done, we sat on the stubborn grasses beside the lake waiting sun to dry us up.
" you haven't really told me about your family, you don't say about them??".. she broke me with this but I still managed to brighten up my face and say something.
" they are fine, just that I don't like talking about my family with people, I am not so comfortable with it, but they are great.. " I lied comfortably.
Immediately the thoughts of my father's leg popped up my head, I know she could help but I am not good at bothering people with my needs and I grew with getting things myself, so I didn't let her know anything about it and I was not going to.
" why the change of face then " .. she asked as she noticed my face tell how bad I was feeling.
"Nothing, tell me, why you chose to settle with an average citizen like me instead of your rich class? " ....i asked diverting the question.
" Erm, I really don't know, I met you and I felt original love, I felt extra ordinary, the day of the exams that you helped me, I was being harsh because myself was failing me, I never knew love at first sight existed until I set my eyes on you or does love select classes? I think love is very fair, it's not bias " .... she stated as I watched her lips open and close.
I couldn't say a thing, I just kept mute, we could here the sounds of the wind, the songs from the trees and the smiles of the sun.
She leaned on me slowly, and pressed her lips on mine, immediately I felt eternal bliss, I kissed back with intense love , the burning desire in me, and next we are moving to the next pedestal of romantic radar.
She was obsessed just like I was with the moment, but I still had a little control in me to hold a pause.
" it's late Lina, don't you think we should be going " ... I said out calmly.
She let out a chuckle
" you have nice lips that can turn someones humanity off sexually " ...
That was not the answer I seek for, but I expected a compliment from her, her lips were softer than mine but I preferred letting her say first, since she made the first move.
" are you still a virgin? " .... I managed to ask, I knew what the answer would be but I decided to just ask.
" I know you might not believe but I am " .. she said facing downwards.
Seriously who will believe that MELINA is a virgin, it's hard to believe but for the fact that she has been truthful with me, I had to believe her.
" I don't doubt you Lina" ... I said
" I love you "
" I love you too "
We didn't talk again as great silence followed, we wore our clothes and started heading back to the school arena.
"So tell me, you and Isaac didn't have any fore play and all of that? ".... I asked curiously.
" we did, but I had told him am not gonna loose it till I am 18, he tried on so many occasions to force it out of me but couldn't, I think that's one of the reasons he left me " .. she said out bitterly with mixture of fake smiles.
" so tell me, what about you? ".. she asked.
" well, I am too, I don't know why I feel like this, I know it's different from how every other guy feels but I feel I can't just loose my virginity to every or any kind of girl, if I wanted to I would have lost it when I was nine to emmanuella, our neighbor who would sneak into our house then and play with my pennis, she is my senior with five years though, she had wanted to but the day she was about putting my pennis in her Virgina my dad suddenly came back and blew his horn which interrupted, I can't forget how she ran with her clothes and the chance never came again " ..... I narrated as she listened and was laughing amicably.
" so my Gabriel would have been disvirgined by some girl " .. she said and for the first time she was sounding territorial.
We laughed and walked towards the car park, few meters from where her car was packed, we bumped into charity and christie.
Their faces weren't good at seeing me holding hands with Lina, I wasn't afraid, I had this kinda courage, but I Didnt want insults as its obvious they were not cool with what they saw.
" I can pick the cab to the house, you can fix your shit with your friends, I am sure, I don't want to stay with this faces they are keeping or any drama from them " ... I said as I let her hands off.
" I will handle this Gabriel, but if you wish to go, no problem, call me when you reach home " .. she stated as we hugged .
"Sure I will " ...i replied.
" I love you "... she said out, blowing kiss in the air.
I caught it and replied with a loud " I love you too " .
Just before I minded my business I heard a voice ask her.
" did you just tell him you love him? "
I was happy and fun filled heading home, humming Austin Mahone's "all I ever need " , it was all cool and beautiful till someone tapped my back.
A boy with a hoodie, black singlet and had put his hands in his pocket, making up a street bad Ass nigga.
"Hey?.. who are you? " .. I asked without allowing my fear disgrace me.
" I am Isaac "
Written by Elcarim