
I've never hear of peapod wine, what is that?
you should do a post on his wine-making operation.howdy back again @eveningart! oh my..that sounds devine!

Hi! It is literally wine made out of green-pea pods! It's... strong!

I would love to but my dad lives 5 hours away so a bit difficult to figure out. But im visiting him in August, so I'll be posting from his house then 😀

Like this is his own private flavor it sounds like? it's very cool and unique!howdy today @eveningart! well, so that green-pea wine..I've never heard of that flavor, is that because it's not produced commercially?

Hey- no it's one of his concoctions I think - never seen it sold (though I've never seen tea wine sold either to be honest!) I remember it a bit being like I imagine drinking paint stripper would be - rough but effective!

hahaha! sounds more like whiskey than wine! that's very interesting though, thank you eveningart!