My Daily #ULOG Entry: Starting a day talking to my friend why she is single until now.

in #ulog7 years ago


People have always asked me ‘why am I still single?’. My freind tell to me as I asked her the same question.They say I have a good job and a stable career, a good attitude, an above average brain. But the one thing they fail to see is the condition of my heart. Is it whole yet? Has it recovered? Is it anew?

You see guys, I really have no answer for that kind of question. All I’m thinking right now is that I want to enjoy things that single persons can do. I want to be fully healed. I want to become the best version of myself. Because I know that the girl that is Destined for me is doing the same too. She’s also trying to become a woman on her own. She’s enjoying life the way it should be enjoyed. So that when Fate decides that our path shall finally crossed, we are finally gonna be ready for each other. I am ready to risk everything again for the sake of love because I know that she will be too. I know that our love story will be the continuation of our lifetime spend with the company of each other. I’m not rushing for she ain’t too. It will be wonderful and magical. The kind of love that will travel the highway of up’s and down’s with a breeze. She will be my lover, my bestfriend, and my soulmate.

My friend still single because fate wants her to be ready for that someone from the future – my destiny. 😍

Cheers to love 💕

Photo is mine...

@surpassinggoogle: Nothing can compare you sir terry in terms of doing and helping others. I feel so sad today so this is my entry to your @teardrops and i believed as you say that every teardrops would be rewarded
