Ulog #3 Attitude of Gratitude - Today Experience in Interviewing Ex Mental Patients (Bilingual)

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)


What is Ulog?

It is a new tag/ trend on steemit that is heralded by our very own @surpassinggoogle. The idea is really simple. It's all about writing about the activities that took place in your day and sharing them on the #ulog tag. Ulog is basically like a logbook or journal of U(you).

So how did my day go?(Here it is My Ulog)

Good evening Stemians!
As always, I want to tell you a little bit about our experience during our mission today in getting some first respondents (Mental Patients) to be interviewed for our research need that I and team are conducting.

Selamat malam Stemians!
Piyee kabaree?
Seperti biasa, saya mau cerita sedikit pengalaman hari ini dalam misi mengejar responden utama (Pasien Jiwa) untuk kelengkapan penelitian yang sedang saya dan tim kerjakan.

Our target village for today visit are Seubon Ayoen and Lampaya, a two villages in Lhoknga District. This region is extremely close to Lampuuk beach which is well-known as the most exotic beach in Aceh.

Hari ini target desa yang akan dikunjungi adalah kampung Seubon Ayoen dan Lampaya, dua desa yang ada di kecamatan Lhoknga. Dua daerah ini sangat dekat dengan Lampuuk (Sebuah Pantai Eksotis yang Paling Terkenal di Aceh).

Our first preference goes to Seubon Ayoen as we have promised the patient yesterday to visit her house first. After meeting some respondents and their families, we then continued our journey to Lampaya .

Desa pertama yang kami datangi adalah Sebon Ayoen, karena kami telah membuat janji dengan si pasien pada kunjungan sebelumnya. Setelah menjumpai beberapa responden utama dan keluarga yang bersangkutan di desa ini, kami kemudian menuju Lampaya.

According to data, there were 5 independent patients in Lampaya that we could interview. We then accompanied by a mental nurse from the village to show us the patient's house.

Menurut data, di Lampaya terdapat sekitar 5 pasien mandiri yang bisa diwawancarai. Kami kemudian diantar oleh kader jiwa desa tersebut untuk menunjuk alamat rumah masing2 target penelitian.

From this activity, I and my friend learned so much life lessons that we might can not find at college or other higher education place. We learned about how to be patient, how to survive, feeling grateful and never give up.

Dari kegiatan turun lapangan yang kami jalani, saya dan teman-teman belajar bermacam hal tentang kehidupan. Tentang bagaimana harus bersabar, tentang bagaimana harus bertahan, bersyukur dan pantang menyerah.

There are so many unlucky people around us. Some of them got sick because of inadequate financial resources, some of them because they cannot continue their study to higher level, their ambitions didn't turn out into reality or simply because they have unsuccessful journey in love story. (This is the most complicated problem to be faced I guess) 😎

Begitu banyak orang yang kurang beruntung dari pada kita. Ada yang sakit karena himpitan ekonomi, karena tak bisa melanjutkan pendidikan, cita-cita yang tidak sampai, bahkan ada juga kasus kegagalan dalam percintaan (kasus paling ribet ni kayaknya) 😎

However, to keep the data safe and follow the instructions of the research rules (ethic code), I cannot explain the cases clearly, it's all just an overview only.

Namun, demi menjaga kode etik sebuah penelitian, disini kami tidak bisa menjelaskan kasusnya secara terperinci, akan tetapi hanya garis besarnya saja.

When the time pointed out at 12:50, I and team then stopped the survey activity and tried to find the closest mosque to pray zuhur Which then we continued our agenda to have lunch at Lhoknga beach.


Our Menu for Lunch



Fresh Coconut with Ice Cubes Brrrr

Ketika jam menunjukkan pukul 12:50, saya dan tim segera menghentikan survei dan serta merta mencari mesjid terdekat untuk menunaikan ibadah salat zuhur. Yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan makan siang di pantai Lhoknga.

How poor we were if we didn't go there as it is close.
Here are a piece of Lhoknga view amid our time in the beach.

Pasti rugi dong ya, kalau udah jauh2 kesini malah engga singgah di pantai indahnya.

Ini dia cuplikan pemandangan indah pantai Lhoknga.



cool idea ulog

Yes it is @billykeed. This idea belongs to @surpassinggoogle 😇

Indah, kapan bisa ke situ?

Datanglah kesini main2 😅

Di mana itu??

Wooow! I am impressed. This is amazing. You are doing really good. This is inspiring. Well done.

Thanks for stopping by @olawalium. Your post is really inspiring 😇

Thank you for your kind words. I love what you are doing. Keep it up please.

Wonderful pictures of your busy day. :D Okay I've got to ask, how is the egg in your first picture cooked? It doesn't look fried, I was thinking poached, maybe?
I've never had coconut juice, with or without ice, but I bet it would be sweet. :D Am I right?
Wow, that beach shot is great. :D I love the different shades of blue in the water as it goes out/comes in, I can almost hear the waves hitting the beach while looking at the picture. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

The egg was boiled separately with noodles. Ooh mam you should try to drink the fresh coconut. Why you haven't had to drink it before? Is it hard to find in Canada?
Yaaa the beach is very famous here in Aceh. 😅

Well coconuts don't grow near me and from what I've seen on television shows like "Survivor" they are hard to get in to. :D LOL. :D Honestly though, I've never even thought of drinking coconut, fresh or otherwise, before. I'll have to look for it in the store and try it if I find it. :D
Its a very lovely beach. I could sit and watch the waves come in and go back out all day long, if I didn't mind turning myself into a lobster. :D LOL. :D The sun and I have a love/hate relationship, I love it, the warmth and brightness of it (unless I'm driving towards it, LOL :D), but as a redhead its very cruel to me and I burn badly if I'm out in the sun for more than a few minutes. My husband and I went to Las Vegas years and years ago and I got sunburned in the time it took to walk across the street, well two streets technically. :D LOL. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

You should try if you find it later! Coconut taste is awesome, so fresh on a hot day, because it contains lots of positive ion in it.
Ya I do love beach so much too, and eating Lobster while sitting there could be a big bonus as I'm a sea food lover, lol 😅.
That was amazing journey you had with your husband in Las Vegas 😄.

I'm not a very tasty lobster, LOL. :D Las Vegas was a lot of fun. It would be nice to go back there someday, maybe for our 30th, 35th, or 40th wedding anniversary. :D Of course, we'd have to find someone to take care of all the animals on the homestead, so odds are we won't be going any time soon. :D LOL. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D