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Awww I'm sorry but I don't feel up to it. πŸ˜…

Posted using Partiko Android

Thats okay... I hope I didn't bother you, just trying to practice screenplay writing, and since I spend/waste so much tim on Steemit, I figured why not do it here in the comments... Like a creative "staffetta"/Relay race...

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I've dabbled on screenplay writing a few years ago. Was trying to turn a short story into a screenplay but alas, I haven't finished it yet until now. It seems like a hopeless project so I abandoned it. πŸ˜…

Thanks for sharing the link. It has a lot of additional information and other useful links I could use too. πŸ‘

Perhaps you can make a contest out of it where contestants respond per paragraph in the contest post. 😊

Yeah, you wrote a screenplay really???
Hollywood! Great idea with a contest @artgirl, I will try to make some kind of contest here on steemit, (considering how bad many movies are now days) a steemit colab screenwriting contest could be =
