Good Morning, Steemians! :D
We started out our morning with a wee bit of sunshine, but it was gone before I finished the chores. I’m sad that its left, but so happy for its visit, look how pretty it was from the main pasture, in my opinion of course, you may not think so, but I hope you do. :D
Billy happily eating his breakfast and ignoring me completely. :D
Joel ignored me too, I even got to give him a good side rub while he ate. :D
Buddy (2) enjoyed a cold beverage while Candy (1), Joker (3), Princess (4), Belle (5), and Leroy (6) got started on the hay I brought over for breakfast, I took this after I dropped the hay over the fence for them. :D
I tried to get our dapper doggy dad Dakota (1) and his two handsome sons Tiny (2) and Shadow (4) all sit together so I could take a nice picture, they weren’t cooperative and our beautiful doggy mom Karma (3) decided that she wanted to take a nap in the sunshine while it was here and photo-bombed them, LOL. :D
I thought I’d just move over and then get them all in that way, but as you can see things didn’t go as planned here either, Dakota and Tiny both decided to leave, Shadow turned away from me because he hates having his picture taken (he takes after his grandma, LOL), and Karma gave me this look that said she wasn’t thrilled to be in the picture either, LOL. :D
Our lovely grand-puppies Lady (1) and Mya (2) having a bit of sisterly bonding time while they track the butterflies across the front yard. :D
Look at how pretty Lady is while she’s hogging our bed, its funny she sleeps all snuggled in like this until she senses someone else thinking about getting on the bed, then she stretches herself out and splays across the bed to control as much of the bed as possible, LOL. :D
Even though our sunshine’s gone, hopefully only for now and returning later, but it is supposed to rain so I won’t hold my breath, LOL, the sky is still very pretty behind my favorite tree with the fluffy white and pink clouds and the hazy blue and gray clouds, at least to me. :D
This hen (blue arrow) was running back towards the coop door when it slid or tripped, I’m not sure which and started flailing like a human trying to catch its balance, it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, of course I’ve never been able to watch myself as I’ve slipped around out there on occasion, that’s probably funnier, LOL. :D
I took a couple of nice shots on my way in for this morning’s coffee run, I’m surprised any of them turned out to be honest, moving shots aren’t usually kind to me. :D
The river has gone down a bit and we can sit a bit of the island in this one. :D
It was nap time for Leroy (1), Buddy (2), and Joker (3) when I got home, they were all laying down on the side of the front pasture when I pulled into the driveway and their heads all popped up simultaneously, it was so cute. :D
There goes our sunshine, please come back soon, we’ll miss you while you’re gone. :D
The sun never made it back out so no sunset photos to share, sorry all. :D
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D
Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D Thank you to @zainenn for the GHSC footer as well. :D
Hello maam how are you? Great homesteading! You have a lot of animàls.
Welcome back lovely lady! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
I'm good thank you very asking. :D How are you? I hope all is well with you and your family and you're all having a wonderful day. :D
We have six dogs, six cattle, two pigs and 12 (11 hens and 1 rooster), it really is a lot of animals, but we love having them here, especially during spring, summer, hardly any barn cleaning required during those periods, LOL. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D