Good Morning, Steemians! :D
We’ve got strong 30 km/h winds, gusting up to 57 km/h, which make walking across the yard without losing your hat difficult, I never made it. :D We’re only at 4 C, but we’ve also got sunshine in the front yard, YAY! :D
The view in the backyard is pretty this morning, even with the wind trying to knock everything down, including me, LOL. :D I think my favorite tree looks lovely with the clouds behind it. :D
I hope the wind doesn’t take out that big tree in the side pasture, that’s one of the herds’ favorite spots to hang out under. :D
After last nights rain our pond is severely overfull and overflowing to make a bigger mess in front of the barn, oh joy. :D My husband was going to build the sides up this summer but worked so much he never had time to do it, maybe next spring. :D
I found Candy (1), Princess (2), Joker (3), Belle (4), Leroy (5), and Buddy (6) all inside that pen beside the pigs this morning. :D They requested their breakfast be delivered to that pen, but I had enough difficulty getting it into the main pasture with the wind stealing my hat and making my hood fly off, so they were out of luck and had to walk down there for their breakfast today. :D
Joel (1) started eating the feed out of his dish, then decided that Billy’s (2) looked better and tried to get into Billy’s dish.
Billy (1) wouldn’t let him eat his breakfast, so Joel (2) eventually gave up and went back to his own food dish. :D
Candy (1), Princess (2), Joker (3), Leroy (4), Belle (5), and Buddy (6) finally made it to the main pasture for breakfast after I went and escorted them to their “table” like a good hostess should. :D LOL. :D
I’ve got to head into town in half an hour to get my tires changed at our local Wal-Mart, its my least favorite time of the year, time for the winter tires to go on, ugh, LOL. :D Hopefully I’ll also remember to go to the grocery store while I’m out this time. :D I got to see the herd up in the front pasture before I left for town, Buddy (1), Candy (2), Joker (3), Leroy (4), Princess (5), and Belle (6) were all enjoying a pre-lunch snack when I left. :D
While I was waiting for them to swap out and balance my tires I walked over to the pharmacy area to check my blood pressure, not bad, that’s the lowest Diastolic reading I’ve ever had, usually I’m right around 90 Systolic and 60 Diastolic, so I’m happy with that. :D Extra bonus, I remembered to get the pig feed and made it to the grocery store, YAY! :D
Our lovely grand-puppy Lady (1) and her handsome brother Shadow (2) hung out with me on the front steps after I got home and watched the herd head back to one of the other pastures. :D
I got this new book while I was in Wal-Mart because they had a few emergencies that had to be dealt with before they could get to my car. It is called “Guess Who” by Chris McGeorge, if you are a mystery fan I highly recommend this book. :D I’ve already read the first 23 chapters, if I’m not careful I’ll finish it before I go to sleep tonight, but I want to savour it, so I’m cooking supper in the hopes that I won’t read it all. :D
Sunset 1.
Sunset 2.
Sunset 3.
Sunset 4.
Sunset 5.
Sunset 6.
Sunset 7.
Sunset 8.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D
Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D Thank you to @zainenn for the GHSC footer as well. :D
It's been month since my last check here in steemit and I'm glad to see that you've been consistent to post since then! It's good to see all of your babies healty and well :) You've got a nice sunset too!! I hope everything is well and in good order in your home. Take care always!Hello my friend @frostyamber! How are you??
Welcome back lovely lady! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
How have you been? :D I hope you're doing well there. :D
The only days I've missed posting are the ones we lost power or internet or both. :D Thankfully everyone seems to be okay with me making my posts the day after or as soon as the internet/power is back. :D
We were worried (okay it was mostly me, but I'm a mom and that's what we do, :D) when I found the baling twine throughout that bale last week, but the herd all seem okay, so I'm not worrying about it until I have to, which will hopefully never happen. :D
We get some truly stunning sunrises and sunsets way up here, I love when I manage to take some nice ones to share. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D Hello there @csalupado, we're good here, thank you for asking. :D