The people who gave me strength
We have all our strength people who we dedicate our work. Everyday we get up and one of the reason is our love ones.
They were the people who gonna tell you never quit, never give up and all the things we be well.
When the time that all odds is against me and I mess up really bad. They were the one's who will be there at my side.
Whenever I'm troubled and being anxious, seems all the things mix-up having a hard time in short I'm weak.
They are the same reason I'm strong to face all of my fears, Been able to stand up when I fall , to cry and still be strong
in face all of my adversaries. Keep continuing and I can say without them I am incomplete.
Maybe some people will criticize me one of the reason because they don't know me.
I understand them but let me prove my innocent then.
They can mock me up to the last strand of my hair but let first try to know me.
They can say whatever word they want. But be reminded all the words will come out to they're mouth will be back and hunt them.
what is my point in this blog I mention them because they are also bring me courage and strength.
It is like light and dark that makes me a better man a complete person.
To good and bad , to thick and thin, rain or shine.