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RE: ULog#33: Twilight

in #ulog6 years ago

Actually steem is a total loss if you stay here!

I sold out bought bitcoin ether zcash and a few others at the right time. Waited 5 days watching and doubled my money made up for the loss of my time and all the bulllshit steem has. Now make money weekly buying and selling better more popular cryptos. If you stay on steem its like those people who refuse to move when the flood waters are coming!

Get out while there are any coins left in your wallet! Steem was number 8 it is now number 86 how low does it have to go?


Haha yeah, I think I made more money moving my LTCs around than all the bs here on Steem.

But, it’s not a bad capital loss write off though if I sell to balance out the taxes on the gains though.

 We didn't make money  we just escaped with our shirts here! It looks like there are many other options out there!

Tax write offs ???????????who cares unless you can write them all off?

Oh yes. I hopped on one of the alternatives already.

only one comment allowed if you dont have any steem LOL

Something something preventing spam.