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RE: Ulog 14: Ignore Them and Shine!

in #ulog7 years ago

haha! that author listed the posts which are the most popular ones and then tells you not to write about them! I think they wanted them for themselves.
I love this line.."I stamped my foot quite hard and bumbled around my bedroom growling a little bit " that's so funny!
you're great. God bless you and yours!


Thank you Janton! I know- it was a bit like, hang on, you've listed all key human traits on your banned list... what?!

I have discovered recently that I like a little growl - it's a good way to vent and make people laugh at you at the same time :)
E x

lol! the growl makes you sound dangerous! you've probably seen photos of our German Shepard Jack because I keep including him in my posts? anyway he's the most gentle thing but if you start growling he doesn't like that and starts a low, gutteral, really mean sounding growl like he's getting ready to fight, he thinks he's being challenged and he doesn't like that, he's the Alpha dog around here. do you guys have a cat or dog or any pets? I don't know how common that is in England.