oh well sir Wolfhart..good to see you here, didn't know you stayed up so late, oh wait you wrote this 2 hours ago sorry!
well your question has a different answer for everyone but for me $50,000 a year is success for many but $150,000 is great success.
that's all. too simple to increase CL with. Now Glen could turn it into a dissertation! lol
I was up until 4am this morning. slept until 6am up until 10am then another hour down and back up at 11 am and been going ever since. How has your day been going LOL
I keep thing simple its ether success or failure, or small failure. maybe great failure.
When some one would say your in great danger. My response was always whats the difference between great danger and danger. LOL
oh man Wolf..what kept you up until 4 am? that sounds brutal.
lol, I see, danger is danger!
Steemit and doing that Q thing. I had a lot of comments to reply to. I am a little slow but I do get it done. now I have to wait to get VP higher LOL
you're very dedicated Wolf! a great example for us to follow.