ULOG DAY 75: Teachers in Public Schools Change is Coming Through RPMS

in #ulog7 years ago


Our District Initiated A three-day Seminar Workshop on the Implementation of Results-Based Performance Management System.

This three day seminar workshop really helps us teachers in the field the new system of teachers performance. This new system helps teachers implement the new system or the basis or guide in making the students or helping the students learn the lesson and the new rubrics of helping teacher in assessing self performance in his/her daily teaching.

This may really gives a lot of burden to go through this process or new system but for teachers to be able to go through the standard level of teaching. Teachers are required to be observed by the Master Teachers and Head teachers / Principal once every quarter. This is much harder to the old teachers who are used to the old system of observation but for us, as a new in this system we still can recall some of the lessons we learned during our four years in college.


This is my co teachers in the school where we are assigned. We are newly hired teachers assigned in taonaga Elementary School. We are more fortunate that we are assigned in taonaga ES, because it is just within prosperidad and we can go home everyday as we want.

We are so focused on listening on the topics of every speaker. Coz we are still new to this system we wanted to get know this. Coz this will be the basis all year round.

Now Lets go back to the Seminar on what I learned.

I also learned that collaboration wilk really help teachers do great in field.

-As I really like this qoute durung the discussions "You'l miss the best thing in life if you keep your eyes shut" - Dr. Seuss

This qoute really struck me.
This is really applied to the classroom evaluation, where teachers must put a face on the paper, that teachers must dedicatedly evaluate the students perdormance, we must give justice to their efforts, and dedication in making assignments, projects, and quarterly evaluations.

Coz this will serve as their own output.
We teachers must dedicatedly teach our learners not just because it is required but because they will become the future to our society.

I really have a lot of insights but its so hard to construct it all.
I will make another insighta when I already constructed all those Ideas. This will be my todays ULOG.

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