It was so much fun getting some new coins that I had to go find some more different ones, and they arrived today. We also ordered a coin storage box, and some storage capsules, from AliExpress. The box arrived today too, but we’re still waiting for the capsules.
Before we get down to the nitty gritty, here’s a pic (with some @sift666 special effects) of our cat inspecting the new set up to see what’s going on:

Year of the Rooster
The first coin is a Nuie Island coin celebrating 2017, the Year of the Rooster. The first photo I took, when the light was good, must have had some cat fur on it, so I had to take it again and it's not as good.

I think I'd better put in the first one too, even with the fluff!

One of the interesting features of this coin is that it’s a combination of matt silver and shiny silver. It’s quite effective and pretty, isn’t it?

The same effect is on the back, except instead of the background being shiny, it’s the Queen’s head that’s shiny, and the background is matt.
Year of the Horse
This is a Royal Mint coin celebrating 2014, the Year of the Horse, so it’s official name is the Lunar Horse.

There’s some very nice detailing in the horse’s tail and mane. And here’s the back.

Is it just me, or is this picture of the Queen a bit overlarge?
If any kiwis are wondering where they came from, I got them on Trade Me from seller @startel
And speaking of bullion sellers, I suggested to the guys from MyGold, who sell bullion for cryptos, that they set up an account here. I’m sure you’d all love to hear from them
The storage box
It cost us about NZ$25 on AliExpress and it holds 20 standard sized coins in capsules. Here’s what it looks like on the outside.

So far we only have 4 coins in capsules. The bar we got from @firecajun9262 can sit in it too, but the Vicksburg doesn’t fit. It’s just propped up for the photo.

When the capsules arrive, another 3 will be added, then I’ll start gradually whittling away at my wish list. Here’s another @sift666 image.

Wish List
No rush, but some of the others I’d love to have:
• 2010 Austrian Philharmonic 1oz
• 2018 Steem round
• Perth Mint 1oz bar with dragon
• Some more lunars
• And there are some nice coins featuring NZ and Australian wildlife
Thanks for reading
Photos by me and @sift666
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the case is beautiful and the little piece with horse is love
Yes, isn't it lovely :-)
Anyone would think Mr Ratbag was being helpful!
You want to spank him don't you?
Well, he thought he was being helpful.
Better order a dozen boxes one is not going to cut it. :-)
Oh no, the boxes cost as much as the coins! Better to get a dozen new coins. We'll just keep a selection of the interesting ones in the display box.
Now you have to find a hiding place for the stash. :-)
I think you're hook now. Those are some beautiful designed rounds you picked up. I can see you are enjoying your new found hobby. Your wish list will grow as you find new designs. Thanks for sharing. Keep stackin my friend.
Yes, I'm sure the more you get, you more others you see! Still, no rush, is there? Though now is probably a good time to buy, price-wise.
It's awesome to see you stacking @kiwideb!! And I really love @sift666's images... they're beautiful!! You started your silver stacking journey with some awesome pieces!!
We did already have some eagles and maples. But it's much more fun having a variety of interesting pieces.
wonderful mam beautiful mam coin collection is your hobby?
A little bit of a hobby, sometimes.
Gods, that is such a cool hobby! ... I may just collecting coins too ^^ ... I have seen some crypto-themed ones which would be fun to collect.
And no, it's not just you... The second queen head does look a little too big for the coin.
Aaannd... Here is the link for the mandala ;) :
Ooh, thanks, I've downloaded it now. I'm going to make it into a screen saver, so it pops up and gives me a lovely surprise from time to time. Might put it on my desktop too.
That first coin is so cool, well the all are, i really need to get my act together and start getting some more coins
I think it's one of those things that happens in fits and starts. You get all fired up for a bit, then don't do anything for ages. But seeing other people's interesting coins then gets you interested again.
Wow.....that's quite a collection @kiwideb and a very interesting variety.
Hoping to one day have even more variety ;-)
Awesome! It's a great hobby to have and will hopefully be a great investment for you.
Silver coins are very beautiful and wonderful
I wish to invest them with certainty
Really great thing