Oh @tamala you poor thing, what did you let Dreemie get you into... it looks like a disaster. And I would just throw that away... really... just count it off as a loss.
And of course I had to go back and read her recipe again and I will agree that her recipe is somewhat um.... whats the word?? Let's just say I see why you bought only one cabbage.
And I will agree with @penderis and say @dreemsteem should accept 20% of the blame because not only did she not say how many cabbages but she also stressed how much of a rebel she was and can understand why you would take the same rebel approach because hey why the hell not! Right?
And remember Tam, when people speak of Dreem you hear words like witchcraft and demon... and then the Dreemie puts 666 on your post 🤔 I would be careful
Seriously Tam, this was freaking hilarious... i laughed from start to finish and could totally feel your frustration and reaching for the wine because that just makes evwrything better hehehe
Napa cabbage! It's twice the size of regular cabbage and I cut 4!!! Lol
Did I not show them all in the picture!?!? 😂😂😂😂😂
I accept no responsibility!!! How can I still be laughing about this!!!! Hehehhehee
I'm thinking @dreemsteem should accept more of the blame - she accepts none, you and @penderis say 20% - I'm sayin' at least 50%! Directly from her recipe ...
See? She encouraged it! You're right @monchhichi23! She totally encouraged rebellion. And then the whole 666 thing.... yep.... demoness, witchcraft....
I will need to find someone to do an exorcism in my kitchen now. And figure out what to do with my....