Talking About Them? (U-Log)

in #ulog6 years ago

There are many "Them" out there, in fact we are all part of some kind of "Them" when we look into it.

But who are "They"?

For those that are not part of the "Mob" that fall under "Them" "We" are = "Them".

Why, well, probably because none of us want to be part of a mob of opportunists who couldn't care less about anyone else except for themselves.

Now, that may be a harsh statement.

No, it is a fair statement.

When "Money talks" then those with a price tag sell out and justify their actions with all sorts of "self centered excuses", usually a load of pure and utter BS and they know it is BS, so do "we" the readers/listeners, yet the charade goes on as even among "US" there are many who would sell out, but for much lower prices than what those we call "Them" sell out for.

So, who is "Them"?

Is it all those who sell out for a price?

I dare say "YES".

No matter what that price may be, if they sell out, then it is all over.

There are those who claim that everyone has a price.

Sure, some people may not have a price that is of a material nature, it could be something very personal, such as "fear for ones family".

Sure, that type of extortion or blackmail is illegal, but so is the "paying someone off" in most cases!

Again, if we put "extortion" where ones loved ones are at question with that of a materialistic payoff then we are doing a grave injustice towards morality.

At least in my opinion this is the case.

It is extremely interesting to see this all play out in the real world as it is interesting to see it play out in the 'virtual world'.

I guess the common denominator = PEOPLE!

There are all sorts under the sun as there are all sorts behind the keyboards!

Now, what is the reason for this post?


Not to point fingers, but to THINK ABOUT IT.

I sincerely do not think that this post alone will change anyone in any way, but it will definitely raise a few eyebrows among "US" and "THEM".

Who ever any of us as individuals may choose to be a part of.

Yet if an individual is true to her/his individuality and refuses to be part of a mob, then that person should not sell out for any materialistic gain.

So, yeah, there is a big difference between "US" and "THEM".

and at the end of the day if this post helps in any way to get those thinking caps on in relation to this, then I as an individual am overly happy and full of joy.

On my "official" account @jackmiller I have the following quote from a person who was in a very influential position for many years:

"It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money for its own sake."

MT aka "Iron Lady".

Not that I liked her or anything like that, but jeepers, do I ever so much agree with this!

As I stated earlier, "Think about it", that is all I would like to see and if you ignore it, then ask yourself "WHY?"

No need to comment, just THINK ABOUT IT!


Yours truly,


If you want an avatar and other graphics like my “Robotroo” contact @jimramones


PS. Here is a nice little song that I think is appropriate for the post: