Not on discord. I also wanted to mention the Jodi Picoult quote. Have read two of her books. Different, I will try another. Not familiar with her quotes.
It is thawing once again, finally. I am ready to get out but the drizzle and wind is hanging in there today. Stuck inside looking out. The whole buildimg is quiet.
Soon I hear cheerful voices drifting through my door. I can tell they stopped at Mr. B's door.
Mr. B. has been well, fully up and about after surgery. These people are visiting for fun.
Bored or curious or both I boldly decided to knock and invite myself. I'm Mr. A. and I am sure all would enjoy if I joined.
And we all did enjoy. I forgot I was at Mr. B.'s. Very nice afternoon.
Seems Mr. B. and I don't need to know much more than we basically like each other.
Now I can't recall why we took such a long time to find this out.
There's absolutely no problem at all, if after failing or falling short you want to try again. I believe with respect and genuine feelings we can create an atmosphere of peace devoid of any doubts.
I'm full back in shape now. But for the fun of it, I stayed in bed to surprise my neighbours who visits. So when I noticed we have a large crowd in my apartment, I stood and walked majestically.
The joy and happiness on these people's faces, I'll never forget. The excitement, the screaming, the whistling and jumping that follows was just as expected, even more. I feel grateful for these people, they are wonderful and amazing.
Look who's here Mr. A. I welcomed him and ensured he doesn't feel out of place, we all had an amazing afternoon. Everyone was happy!
I guess, he trashed out his ego.
Think this is a good moment to end it? I don't know. Maybe there's no ending afterall.
How eloquent....trashed out his ego! I love it.
I think we're good. I think Mr.A. and Mr. B. are right whete they ned to be. Going further would be overkill maybe.
I was totally enjoying this @lightoj. My first spontaneous story and certainly a first co-written with someone I do not know. Only on Steemit. Amazing. Thank you so much for this fun experience.
Will keep following for sure.
It's an amazing experience for me as well. I mean we did paint a picture so beautiful and colourful.
Mr. A and Mr. B I think has found a common ground, no need to damage their identity. They are good.
Thank you @nananini.
Thank you!