My Ulog #4 My Fatherland Venezuela, how sad ... (Poem)

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes we come to think that it is not worth living in a world of cruelty, envy and selfishness. If we take a look around, we will realize this harsh reality. Is that the negative things that surround us, make us see with different eyes the beautiful side that life has, when we come to think of something that has value, we say! It's worth it! ... and it's worth that it's worth it in his having to give us the strength to fight for what we want, to earn what we love and to reach many times the unattainable.

That is why looking at the good and positive side of things should be our main interest, living that good side should be our greatest desire.


How sad to see you like that, my country in misery. a beautiful Venezuela, turned into a mannequin.
I have suffered so much for you, beautiful homeland, and my anguished soul
and desperate. Live only thinking of you. I listen to my brother exclaim
when it passes by me, this sovereign people is about to expire.
With riches in bulk, yesterday you gave yourself luxuries, today there is only the flow of misery in tinsel.
Your people moan with anguish in this withering homeland, there is no need to eat.
This beautiful homeland that yesterday was all pride no longer rises larosa no longer blooms the cocoon.
Already you hear the screams people cry for bread, health, shelter among all those martyrdoms, people malnourished. Only apathy and betrayal, fill my beloved homeland, I only have sadness to see you Venezuela so become a mannequin and your noble children in poverty.
You are no longer that beautiful, land of peace, land of love only reigns in you evil, envy among many things ...
As your son Venezuela I want you happy dignifying, raise your flag high and my life to offer you.