With developing human populace esteems
and interest in our solid framework
innovation and structures,
transportation and stimulations,
comes more serious dangers and expenses
for supporting sound instructed lives,
rapidly raising difficulties for strong objectives
of sound affluent loves,
philosophical effortlessness
and natural karma.
Lives truly and all around star sacrosanct life,
not just secularized anthropogentric
and extractively commodified
and deductively diminished to a less demanding good standard
of just enduring LoseLose premature births,
totalitarian sociopathologies,
retributive disciplines
of supernaturally harsh atmosphere pathology.
To develop in expert life expanding networks
is to create remedial recuperating
conceived matriotic of
and for
versatile wellbeing
and resoundingly dispersed WinWin light riches,
manageability of nutritious
supporting Yang with Yin co-emerging atmospheres,
both sound inside
and outside riches recover landscapes.
Reestablishing strong peace
is hampered by rebuffing
and smothering indications,
dispensing with narratives of social hostile to life wounds,
prematurely ending darker NegativEnergy subpersonalities.
Recuperating absence of wholeness,
even self image rebuilding
reared and nourished crosswise over broadening family recoveries of leveling time,
And vertical monetary above
and environmental inside
WinWin wholeness
reweaving ZeroZone Prime Relationships
inside Matriotic Earth DeepSoul,
tuning in
with Patriotic SunGod NatureWest-SpiritEast Yang
reciprocally versatile day by day
week after week
month to month
every year perpetual empathy.
Versatilely, resoundingly adoring
synergetic effortlessness karma
in the middle of self image wholeness ventures
and modifying professional life ecological
family upgrades,
eco-holy WiseElder steady tuning in
figuring out how to talk in polycultures,
polyphonically meta-paradigmatic- -
like hued aspects of a rainbow.
Polyculturing strong results
for people,
and neighborhoods blurring without solid
WiseElder multicultural reverberation,
yin-Earthshade away
without affluent YangLeft-SunLight
resoundingly recuperating networks.
Lessening atmosphere fires and catastrophies
asks more than networks
with latently helpful co-contributed theo/ecoLogical Education
for thunderous common/sacrosanct governmental issues
pushing helpfully possessed vote based financial matters,
profoundly normally solid dipolar societies,
including nutritious nourishment generation and neighborhood natural utilization,
vitality majority rules system recovery,
retaining all the more genius life riches versatility insurance.
We likewise require family and
neighborhood-installed guides
educating listening self image wellbeing advancement
through our development and tune,
not minor words lacking experiential profundity
through humaneLeft-divineElderRight
WiseElder riches strength.
Resounding widespread master life networks
develop RightBrain agreeable security,
supporting essential multicultures
felt as solid polycultural learning conditions.
Flexible people group accounts
look for full family fates
dynamic Left-Right adjusting grown-ups,
WiseElder possibilities
for WinWin sustain,
helpfully common/sacrosanct nondually re-instructing
start tuning in with next profound learning ages
anxious to renew
sacrosanct, yet additionally deductively mainstream,
polycultural nourishment hones.
Sound kids still look for other PositivEnergy just coaches,
partners financially Left
and tastefully Right
sociopolitically Left with Right,
Left normally typified
Right profoundly WiseElder
PermaCultural mind awareness.
Versatile people group and societies
develop thunderous individual mindbodies,
respectively cognizant co-financial specialists,
ZeroZone self-recognized WinWin people,
regardless of whether individual or consolidated combinations,
WinWin EarthGaia Souls
understory melodies and moves
rotating thunderous WinWin SunGod Yang
Revolutioning Spirits
remedial WinWin reverberation.
Versatilely self-sorting out networks
compost WinWin natural subsystems
equipped for nearby agreeable reactions
to once in a while disastrous Tipping Point changes,
general inner self in and eco-out foundational situations,
notLose in and notLose out
reciprocally helpful responsibilities.
With flashed eye
toward 700 future recoveries,
regardless of whether in urbane GoldenRule Hartford,
or then again Earth Tribe Zero Zones somewhere else.
How I Spent My Day!
I didn't eventually go out, I was indoor, I washed my clothes, meditated, evaluated last week, have a work plan in place for this week, and I will be busy with my project work, so i will be very busy this week, but I will still blog a little, after which I had my lunch; rice and beans combined as a concurssion, and chatted with my friends at home, while I spent the rest continued reading a book titled: As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. I had a nice day and i believe so do you.
Thanks once again @surpassinggoogle, all uloggers, nathanmars and all other friends and good people of tearsdrop.
Chic article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))
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Wow... You really did it Sir... Yes, we all ought to start doing something in life that will bring us prosperity. We shouldn't just remain in one place.