I apologize, this has happened a few times where the problem phrase is repeated and I reply automatically.
I understand the language barrier, but the issue of making only comments that speak more directly to the post is my concern. If we comment just to comment we add transactions which impacts bandwidth and harms the blockchain.
The idea is to encourage users to say specifically why it is a great post and engage more directly.
@pleasestop, thank you for such a timely response. It's hard to get used to a platform that's considerate, thoughtful and thought-provoking.
I was worried for @azilanaitmay825 because her posts and photos are original, and I wanted some justice for her.
But after reading your response, all of it makes perfect sense.
I am a relieved "newbie," and I appreciate (even more) your work and your goal; especially since: I was already following you, anyhow. :-)
thank you so much for your concern sir @missnikkiann.