We have different timezone value at different time of the year. We are in summer time now Daylight Saving Time. I just used Google to make my time conversions lol.
And this is the time now compared to Philipines
We have different timezone value at different time of the year. We are in summer time now Daylight Saving Time. I just used Google to make my time conversions lol.
And this is the time now compared to Philipines
Let us know when you are on @quochuy .. would love to listen and early Saturday is good.
Posted using Partiko Android
Ahahaha let's try to work this out, shall we😂🤣
Red radio starts at 5pm Colorado time.
Philippines +10 hrs is at 3am
NSW (10+3) is at 6am
Seriously lols😂🤣😆
Well according to Google, Philippines are 14 hrs ahead of Colorado and 3 behind Sydney.
The show starts at 3pm Colorado time, +14 = 5am Philippines time, +3 = 8am Sydney time
Posted using Partiko iOS
omg it is 14 hours!! am sorry was so so wrong there! that's why i have been missing her shows!!!
when will you be in her show??
I need to find a date. I’m not here this weekend so maybe next weekend. I need to arrange with @eaglespirit
Posted using Partiko iOS
Nice. It's a decent hour Ozzy time😂🤣