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After two female students, students and students who were swept away in the Asahan River, North Sumatra, were found. The two bodies have been handed over to the family.
With the discovery of two more victims, the total death toll from being washed away in the Asahan River became four people. The four have been found by the SAR team.
"This morning at 8:00 a.m., two victims were washed away again. Previously, two victims had been found. All four victims were found dead," Bandar Island Police Chief AKP Viktor Simanjuntak said on Saturday (08/11/2018).
The two victims found were Dwi Hadi Mahendra (21), a student of the Nusantara Muslim University, Medan, and a student on behalf of Fery, a student of Umbut-umut Village Middle School, Asahan.
"Student Dwi Hadi Mahendra is from West Sumatra Province," Viktor said.
According to Viktor, the two victims were found by residents in the Asahan River, Aek Songongan District. The location of the discovery of the two victims was not too far from the first drifting location at the Bedeng bathing place in the Hamlet III of the village of Marjanji Aceh, Aek Songsongan.
"Having received news from residents in the name of A Silaen, the Basarnas team went directly to the location. The two victims were located nearby," Viktor said.
The two victims were then taken to the local health center for post mortem. "The victim's body was then handed over to his family," Vikto said.
The two previous victims, Maulidia Batubara (21) and Maya Daulay (21), were found on Thursday, August 9, 2018, at night. All victims washed away while bathing in the Asahan River have been found.
As is known, on Wednesday (8/8) afternoon, 14 students from the Nusantara Muslim University, Medan, came to the bathing place in Bedeng, Marjanji Village, Aceh. These students want recreation for a moment after carrying out KKN in Umbut-umbut Village, Asahan. They came accompanied by the villagers where they had KKN.
When they bathed in the river, initially two people drifted away. Three of his colleagues tried to help, but eventually drifted away. One local villager tried to help them. One student who has been carried by 150 meters can be rescued by residents.
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so pathetic !