"Self" - Word of the Day

in #ulog7 years ago

self look.jpg

Self -

  • a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action.

  • a person's particular nature or personality; the qualities that make a person individual or unique.

  • one's own interests or pleasure.

  • self-pollinate; self-fertilize. - "the flowers never open and pollination is normally by selfing"

  • cause (an animal or plant) to breed with or fertilize one of the same hybrid origin or strain. - "progeny were derived from selfed crosses"

"Self" came up yesterday as my, "word of the day".

What opened up for me was a lot of added introspection into deeper parts of mysef that have been both comforting and discomforting to look at. This regard for both the good and the bad of myself here. This looking and seeing all of myself without a filter for interpretation. To actually develop the ability to simply work with information without creating confirmation biases within my mind. Recognizing the tendency to create and form interpretations in my mind to create a shockwave like emotion and or feeling experience in my body to drive through a reactionary response that seems valid and 'logical' from the starting point of the experience of myself.

In going into various experiences of myself I can see how I've not always been the best at expressing myself.....participating, sharing, engaging, supporting my peers in my enivronment. Sometimes i've let the emotion and or feeling experience arising within me internally to influence by best external directions....where it's like i was quick to make a judgement....quick to react and form an opinion...a point of view.....and this 'point of view' - from judgement/reaction/mind-interpretation....is not my "best self" - it's the acceptance of less than my best here....it's "indirect" in fact to actually just being simply "direct" here.

It's interesting because what's come up for me in regards to "self"....."Me"......."Myself"......"I".....Here - Is that there's a distinctive correlation within ourselves and each other.

This writing didn't make it to posting the day it was written...continuing the following morning

  • Having "Self" as a support word in walking/living/running/playing my best day is immensely suppportive. It's supported me with "taking my time"....taking that extra split second sometimes to breathe and see without the tainted gloss of judgement and to be more understanding of both myself and others in my reality. It can be so easier to have a lightning fast thought about yourself or another....and it's like 'bam' off to the races so to speak....ridining on that particular lens of perspective & perception.

  • The word "Self" has supported me - kind of surprisingly so with "patience"....Patience for myself and so too everyone in my world. In challenging/questioning my'self, i've expanded my overall outloook and regard for myself and others - there's an increased curiosity and fascination with both myself and others - Life itself!

  • Internal Journey's - "Self", has supported me to see myself without distorting the view - meaning to see everything of myself as both the good and the bad and to simply see things as they are. To work with information simply as a point of directing myself and my world.

  • I was reminded of the "strength of vulnerability" in looking at both my strengths and my weaknesses. In fact the point of vulnerability came up with a mate and I was able to share how "vulnerability" has been a huge point of self-empowerment for myself to actually stand up within myself and face my blocks/suppressions. My mate thought of vulnerability as this huge point of inferiority and weakness and that you should never openely be or express vulnerability - I had to tell him that, "*I too use to think and act that way...and that it's actually in reverse....that it takes a real strength and stability of character to 'own it'...to 'take responsibility' for that which will be be challenged/tested/engaged...that which is inferior in our character. To own our very inferiorities...inadequacies - is the beginning steps to changing these parts of ourselves. It's a matter of personal care taking. Our effectiveness with personal care taking stems from and is deeply rooted in and as our relationship with ourselves. Meaning the point of "Self". One and Equal Here.

  • In standing one and equal with life itself here - we are acting participants here - creators - directors.

  • How we exist internally creates the manifestation of our external reality.

Previous Post in this Series of "Word of the Day"
























Decentralized Media Broadcasting is the Future - Sharing Because You Want to

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."






Thanks for this. Followed you. I found my sense of self has changed when I got married and am having a son. It has expended to we.

well done :)