Ulog # 13 Tuesday. Daily Affiliation 21/08/2018

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)



You have the power to change the world. Meditate, Pray, Be Kind, Help your neighbor. The world improves one person at a time.

Unknown author

Good morning Friends, I share with you the affiliation of this day, today when in the world and especially in my country, society is so corrupt, the only way in which each one of us could make a difference, is changing ourselves and not only for our good but for the common good, despite the fact that many out there are destroying everything they find in their path; Nothing better than smiling to clash with what is around you and do good deeds even those who want to see you destroyed. Remember that if they treat you badly, it is because there is something wrong with them, not with you, you try to stay clean of all that evil that lives in your environment, at the end of the day, there will be nothing more sweet and warm than having a pillow a quiet conscience. Be happy and have a nice day, that the Good Shepherd provides them, chaoooo.
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I have many reasons to be very sad and depressed, but I choose to smile, because I know that despite everything I am very lucky and blessed. Only God knows my sorrows and the world that sees me smile, as it is in my photo.



Buen Dia Amigos, les comparto la afinación de este dia, hoy cuando en el mundo y sobre todo en mi país, la sociedad esta tan corrompida, la única forma en que cada uno de nosotros pudiésemos hacer la diferencia, es cambiando nosotros mismos y no solo para nuestro bien sino para el bien común, a pesar de que muchos por ahí andan destruyendo todo cuanto encuentren a su paso; pues nada mejor que sonreir para desentonar con lo que hay a tu alrededor y hacer buenas acciones hasta a aquellos que quieren verte destruidos. Recuerda que si te tratan mal, es porque hay algo mal en ellos, no en ti, tu trata de mantenerte limpio de toda esa maldad que habita en tu entorno, al final del dia, no habra nada mas dulce y cálido que tener de almohada una conciencia tranquila. Sean felices y tengan bonito dia, que el Buen Pastor los provea, chaoooo