Cold brew coffee completes me. ☕

One of the biggest benefits of living in my apartment complex is a free Starbucks coffee machine for the resident's. With the ability to make hot coffee, cold brew coffee, tea, and hot chocolate it's easy to see why the machine and I have become best friends.
Like every other morning I found some clothes and a pair of sandals to throw on so I could sleep walk my way over to the clubhouse where my morning cold brew awaits. Trust me it's an easy decision picking your drink of choice when it's already 87 degrees out before sunrise. I'll have a splash of coffee with my ice please!
Eventually I managed to make it back to my apartment in one piece. Some mornings you feel like you are part of a zombie apocalypse as you attempt to avoid all the sleep deprived bodies stumbling around the complex.
I turned on the T.V. and quickly realized that I'm an idiot. That early match I woke up for doesn't start for another hour. So there I sat coffee in hand contemplating where it all went wrong in life. After a few sips I managed enough energy to make it through my morning routine and head off to catch the train into work.
Just another day at the office. 🖥️
The major highlight of the day happened to be centered around a coworker cleaning out his office because he found another job. Lucky bastard. I had been eyeing his adjustable sit/stand desk since I arrived. Coming from a profession where I was on my feet coaching all day to now spending 70% of my time sitting in a chair, it was killing me.
Like a teenager I yelled dibs in front of the entire office, which somehow returned no rebuttals so the standing desk was mine. A quick 30 minute install and there I was standing tall as I realized I'm going to have sore feet when I get home if I don't sit down. Oh the irony.
The rich get richer. 💰
Later that evening I got home from work and tossed my phone onto the charger in the bedroom. All week I had been following the NBA free agency news so my phone battery was doing its best to keep the new notifications coming in, but I had given her all she could handle on the train ride home from work. I ended up losing track of time playing with my daughter and didn't think to check my phone until I was feeding her in the living room. So naturally I yelled BABE❗at the top of my lungs followed by a pleasant smile asking her to bring my phone to me.
I unlocked the phone and there it was. I had to read the notification about three times thinking it may have been a joke. Demarcus Cousins had signed a one year deal with the Golden State Warriors. Arguably the best center in the game joined a juggernaut of a team where every starter was an all-star last season. In what reality is this possible?

After the initial shock wore off I realized the move made sense for both parties involved and it's not as crazy as it seems. As a sports performance coach I know all too well that achilles injuries are something you do not take lightly. It's an injury that can ruin someones career.
The signing boils down to this. Cousins will have as much time as he wants to rehab his injury while preparing to make an impact in the playoffs. Chances are he will win a ring along the way and cash in a major deal next offseason when he hits the market again after proving he is the same Boogie Cousins. For the Warriors there is essentially zero downside. At worst he will fill JaVale McGee's old role and at best he will transform the Warriors into the Monstars from Space Jam.
• NBA Free Agent Frenzy - Day 1
• U.S. Soccer = Pay to Play
• Casa Grande Domes - Tourist attraction, ritualistic satanic worship location, or both?
• Ulog #1 - Daddy Duty
• I couldn't resist Steem Monsters any longer...
I see you are also using @odrau 's tool!!
You know it! I think everyone should be if they want to drive more traffic to their blog.