Ulog #1 A good time to return / Un buen momento para volver...

in #ulog5 years ago (edited)


Sin más que agregar y agradeciendo una vez más a @dailafuentes por hablarme de la Comunidad de Hive Blog y, a dicha comunidad por enlazar su contenido y cuentas de usuarios a lo que era la plataforma de #steemit, comunidad a la cual también debo agradecer mucho. Espero seguir contando con el apoyo de ambas Comunidades, gracias de ante mano y, sin dejar de invitar a todos los integrantes de ulog a participar de los distintos concursos que Hive Blog trae para nosotros.

Hello friends of @ulogs and of the entire platform I have been absent for personal things that forced me to be away from the networks but ** TODAY ** is a good time to return, today I return ... and I return with all the energy and I want to publish for you, to keep going so that with your support I can achieve everything that I have proposed and that only God will have control over them. I returned thanks to my sister-in-law @dailafuentes who let me know that this #HiveBlog community had been created and we could do what we like the most in her, write, compose, sing, record ... share our moments with the platform and the whole world that in one way or another connects us through it.

Without further ado, and once again thanking @dailafuentes for telling me about the Hive Blog Community and, said community for linking their content and user accounts to what was the #steemit platform, a community that I must also thank much. I hope to continue counting on the support of both Communities, thanks in advance and, without stopping inviting all the members of ulog to participate in the different contests that Hive Blog brings.


Hola amigos de @ulogs y de toda la plataforma he estado ausente por cosas personales que me obligaron a estar lejos de las redes pero es un buen momento para volver, hoy regreso... y regreso con toda la energía y ganas de publicar para ustedes, de seguir adelante para que con su apoyo pueda lograr todo aquello que me he propuesto y que solo Dios tendrá el control sobre ellas. Regresé gracias a mi cuñada @dailafuentes quien me hizo saber que ésta comunidad #HiveBlog de había creado y podíamos hacer lo que más nos gusta en ella, escribir, componer, cantar, grabar... compartir nuestros momentos con la plataforma y el mundo entero que de una o otra manera a través de ella nos conecta.


You can subscribe to the Ulogs community below to post only ulogs there, so i can better find your ulogs. I have tiny trail of votes and i resteem ulogs too. i have a tangible number of followers, hopefully a resteem will help with visibility.

https://hive.blog/trending/hive-173493 https://steemit.com/trending/hive-173493

Hello friend, thank you very much for your approval ... I already subscribed to the pages you mentioned. I hope to continue uploading material to your liking and have your support ... as well as mine! =)

Gracias a las personas que me han puesto sus votos en mi; mil gracias y que se les duplique =)