Ulog #013: Eid Adha's moment at home

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)


Hi Uloggers..

Today is still in the atmosphere of Eid Adha, some of my friends come home to meet. Eid Adha is a very have fun moment for us. Because this only happens twice a year.

Hari ini masih dalam suasana Idul Adha, beberapa teman saya berkunjung kerumah. Idul Adha adalah momen yang sangat menyenangkan bagi kami. Karena ini hanya terjadi dua kali setahun.

We sat together long enough, maybe around 3 hours. We spend several types of food, as a snack for us to eat.


Kami duduk bersama cukup lama, mungkin sekitar 3 jam. Kami menghabiskan beberapa jenis kue, sebagai camilan untuk kami makan.

Eid Adha this time, very special for me. Because I can meet my friends again.

Idul Adha kali ini, sangat istimewa bagi saya. Karena saya bisa bertemu teman-teman saya lagi.
Eid Adha's moment at home

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