
Fantastic perspective into human nature!

The Daily Sneak.Thanks to @ecoinstant, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of

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Thank you for stopping and reading!! and for adding it to the daily Sneak!!

You're welcome!

It makes me have faith in the world that there are people out there willing to try as best as they can to help so many.

It's true @snook.. In this world, human with a big heart still exists..

I'm seeing that @jejes and makes me very happy!!

Such a reminder of just how rich we are when traveling. I was trying to explain to a man who was driving me around in Bali that I really didn't have much money as far as American's go, but it seemed such a dumb thing to say when his own daughter had never even been to the ocean (only a few miles away) because they lived in such poverty. I offered we pick her up the next day and he was very excited, but in the end she refused because she had a big test in school.
The woman cleaning our "home-stay," had lost an eye in a scooter accident and just never got it fixed. She was in her forties and it'd happened when she was 8. You never see that here in the states.
At the same time, poverty is definitely increasing here in the states :(

I's the only time I have been out of the States but I had told my son I wanted to see how he really lived and I did get to see it.
There was not a tourist place in site.......but it really opened your eyes up to how a lot of the world lives. Personally, I think in some ways better then we do and others not so much.......

Thank you for sharing your story and stopping to read mine!

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This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by @ecs creator & community leader @chelsea88.

Thank you very much for that honor!!!

Nice to know about your story. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for stopping to read!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I still have faith in humanity. Although there are many who do not mind, there are some who care.

I too have faith but the news is always covered with the bad things in life it's good to see good being done by one person that doesn't think he will not matter so never tries.

I think the world is in for a shakeup and let's hope we are all still here at the end.

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Yeah but what about the coffee?

he brings it when he comes to visit :D it's REALLY GREAT!

You have such a sweet heart and a beautiful soul. We are fortunate to have you on the blockchain. 💗

Thank you @thekittygirl coming from you that means so much to me! <3