Promoting steem now can be as difficult as 1, 2, 3 and very organic too. You can now simply tell friends and acquaintances or gatherings etc to join steem "to become @uloggers".
Or perhaps, simply tell them to
"try out #ulogging"
to pique their interest, then go from there.
"P.S what's a ulog?"
and a "true fan" is explaining what it is!Since the advent of #ulog, there have been more than 19k posts on #ulog alone already and this happened mostly organically, without much promotion. You can identify this from the (ULOG-related comments) networks created in comment section of several posts, where some steemian is asking
A network or pathway among @crosheille @hebrewhousewife and @metzli
Plus, "what a ULOG is" is easy to figure out once a ULOG is spotted. Well, because it comes out "fresh-looking"; different, authentic etc
See how @snook felt upon finding out the simple art of #ulogging:
ULOG (even as a word) in spite of being "a new word" piques interest, because VLOG, BLOG are familiar words. This was very much intended as seen here!
@sykochica please help us with steemwiki, when you are chanced to, to write an article about the word or concept "ULOG. (ULOGGING, ULOGGERS etc)
We will add other dimensions over time. Perhaps, uloggers-mums, ulogger-singles etc who knows.
Kindly leave a comment if you are a contributor Wikipedia, to help us write about ULOGS on Wikipedia
In truth, ULOGS now appear each day, from a variety of nations and it is evidence of success. It is also an amazing sight to behold and 19, 916 ULOGS or even half that number in a month, adds a dimension to steem growth in the search engines.
Too, it strengthens community, creates a buzz and excitement which is very needed at this time on steem, with the advent of some other blockchain-based social platforms.
Plus, it gives "everyone", private or public figures one more reason to create a steemit post each day.
Curation comes easy too, as curators become "true fans".
Many new steemians are now starting their introductory post with a ULOG, finding "home" on steemit from the very start.
There also comes one more reason not to copy/paste; well, because there is no longer any reason to.
Simply be "you" or simply constitute "You" at least once a day using your ULOGS and you will have "true fans" and at least an ultimate "true fan", your boy Terry.
The website is in works and being tested on
We will have a different post to explain where the website is headed but it will very much involve humans. We will explore a variety of rewards and steem; "let's see what "true fans" can do for you, just for you being "steemhuman"".
Here are the recent ULOGS that i found and i have featured them, for being among the latest ULOGGERS:
- #ULOG No. 1 - Just Pregnant Me - My Life Right Now - @crosheille
- #ULOG - Friday Morning 9:46 AM - @metzli
- Ulog #1- my first Ulog! - @corrielaine
Another amazing thing is, #ulog is organically becoming the home for ULOGS.
The content on #ulog is easily becoming freshly-created; "fresh", original, authentic and ULOGS are being created at a great and growing rate.
Note that, you aren't to stop your normal daily steemit routine because of the possibility of #ulogging.
#ulog is simply another space on the steem blockchain that "you" can own as you dent your legacies on there for generations yet unborn.
private figures too "you" is bound to shine forth". Ofcourse, on #ulog you can be as seen in the case of @mermaidvampire but i tell you, "as you begin to fly, shine etc using your ULOG, even amidst your privacy,
Also do not doubt that, more so than just upvotes etc, a ULOG opens you each day to real world/online-opportunities daily.
Yes, when you ULOG, you stay present not only on steemit but in people's minds. People connect better to humans.
A ULOG will manage to show you off down to your very core and innermost elements and i tell you, "people" are likelier to render giant opportunities to others met online, when they have come to know you.
Yes, venture capitalists, potential helpers, giant accounts etc will love to dig up and out your very legacies, to get established in their decisions to bring full-blown opportunities your way.
Yes, you may have talents and all but when it boils down to real life, the real world, money, opportunities etc people will want to tap in, to "who you are", "what you constitute", "what you are about" etc. There are tons of testimonies to this.
Opportunities is a type of reward that exists here on steemit, apart from upvotes etc
Steemians are keying into the culture of creating fresh pieces of content (constituting U) daily, gifting to the internet instead of resourcing from it, thus, reshaping it.
Reshaping the entire internet with steemit is something i love to represent. I have used the internet for a long time and if "superman" can have more fans than "real humans", then, i am after "beautiful disruptions".
Plus, you can always use your ULOGs to recount your entire steemit activity for the day. #ulog is simply an extra space on the steem blockchain for you. It doesn't have to change your normal steemit routine.
So yes, if you seek quality, a ULOG can constitute perfect quality.
Overall, if we are able to re-tap into our shine, lost shine or if we are able to simply just shinethen, i tell you; quality is bound to follow. by means of #ulogging,
If you feel "great", you will write "great content". Well, you will be "great" in most things. With ULOGS, it is "true celebrity-hood for "everyone", once and for all.
You can consciously decide to learn something new each day, for the sake of recounting your experience in a ULOG. You can use a ULOG to conclude "your online" day.
Yes, #ulog is really, really shaping up!
In due time, there will be fun contests to help us
enjoy the "true art" of #ulogging.
I take cognizance alot, of the undertone in the voice of communities and #ulog came about to help matters.
In communities where daily life is tough, it is not like people just seek out money from steemit; thus, simply create content for the sake of rewards; "it is that "creating content" can be hard, when there is too much rigor.
Removing "all barriers to entry"un(dis)talented etc is key in these growing communities and it is where #ulog comes in as so did
With regards to promoting steem and growing it, it is the same. You need to feel solid, great, beautiful, "true celebrity" etc on steemit, to tell people resoundingly to join steemit.
It does very much involve "removing barriers" to entry.
In general, in growing communities etc e.g the Philippines, where internet isn't easy to come by etc we grow an improvised interaction with the internet over time.
Beyond that, frontally promoting steem as a place to earn rewards doesn't always go to plan. People do become apprehensive when you talk about earning online, especially, when they have come to try loads of things online in the past, without success.
Now, if you want to tell people to join steemit, you can simply say; "have you heard of #ulogging; would you want to try it" and they go; "what is a ULOG" and it is easy as sharing with them this:
and this:
Kindly share the above also with others who try to #ulog but require more tips as your curate on #ulog as "true fans".
It is essential to remove all barriers to entry first. Make things as mainstream as possible first and leave the rest to the way steem is.
Let me speak about history a bit. Yes, steem is very well modeled to put you on the route to finding things out.
- Many who join steemit and who are great bloggers now, didn't start out as bloggers etc
- Many cryptocurrency traders on steemit today, found crypto for the first time upon using steemit.
- etc
Steemit does all have all the "mining paradigms" in its design, to instill into its users over time, "a culture of mining with minds".
It is different now and much better. Unlike the past, where you arrive on steemit and can easily get so lost; there are currently many communities looking to take you in and tend to you.
Yes, steemit can now tend to the masses better. This wasn't the case in the past.
These days as per promoting steemit, you can easily tell people to sign up on steemit and there are many vibrant communities willing/longing to help you, sustain them etc. So why not?
When it comes to removing "barriers to entry" with regards to steem promotion e.g in the Philippines, it can now also be as easy as telling friends, acquaintances or gatherings etc; "have you heard of #ulogging?" and as you explain what #ulogging is, they are signing up.
You are basically telling them to earn rewards for becoming "true celebrities". Many here and in many parts of the world, already have been #ulogging daily, without knowing it. They do it for free. On steemit, they would #ulog and attain "true celebrityhood" and a variety of rewards.
Visit the current certified and verified ULOGGER in the person of @enjieneer to see what/how i mean:
- ULOGGERS: Today's Certified and Verified ULOGGER (True Celebrity) is "@enjieneer". Join In As Her "True Fans". We Will Fix Many Worries!!!
Please become her "true fans"
As regards, creating "great content", leave that to steemit and its community as well, the now many "uloggers" all around steemit.
In the past month alone, there have been up to 1000 loving/educational comments from @ulogs and @surpassinggoogle accounts alone
, not to mention the countless similar-breed comments from "true fans" on #ulog
There have been around 2/3 discord talks on SteemGigs discord server of 8 to 10 hours of talk each, that has touched on "Ulogs, Ulogging, Uloggers etc
There is also that has been set up, that will emanate an ever-growing video series to help us all enhance our steemit journey etc
Note that there are always odds, hence some slowness e.g Getting the domain took persistence on my part because of the word "google".
"https:// protection" for, he had to dig/grind too as it got refused for having the word "google"; but he dug and grinded etc, so that we can all have:Then, recently as @cadawg tried to get
Note that is going to hold a very grand steem project in the near future modeled to enhance content curation and discovery on steemit, while mining more of the human. The project is going to be "Surpassinggoogle with Steemit".
Alot is in place for ULOGS in terms of the value it will add to steem but there isn't only ULOGS as there has been many other projects that has been part of the entire curriculum e.g un(dis)talented, teardrops, steemgigs etc and more to come. Overall, it is about steemit/steemit as a whole and i look to inspire "steemians" regardless of content-type.
A ULOG is simply another steemit post
For now, i will pause!
Your Boy Terry
Let's Grow Steemit/Steem Inside-Out With One Other Hack!!!
Let's Grow Steemit/Steem Inside-Out With One Other Hack!!!
Click Here:
I will be waking the YouTube channel up and storming it with steem/steemit related videos. My videos will contain rare Intel, "no books" involved (in assimilateable bits).
I would look to use each video to make "success" in relation to steem/steemit and especially "life" as difficult as 1,2,3
Quick Update:
#ulog generated more than 6,000 comments and 2029 posts within the first 6 days since the tag was born. Join in and become a ULOGGER today.
- Start by getting your personalized ULOGGER GIF footer/header HERE!!!
- Then, please digest this post and this post and this post and like me, join in and become a Ulogger today.
We are seeking coders/developers to help, by means of or direct contributions. I would like to invite all coders/developers, to show up on our SteemGigs development channel.
Kindly visit and use our steem-based website today
Note that on SteemGigs, "everyone has something to offer". At the very least, you can update your profile on our website to open yourself up to more potential possibilities and improve your general reputation even within the steemit community.
To create awesome steemit posts, try our "un(dis)talented editor".
Read our detailed FAQ & Answers
You can use the divider that i used for your posts as well:
I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful.
To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!
If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.
Let's Go!!!
Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).
Join the Steemgigs Community on discord:
"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?
@snook really explained it better. Though am a ulogger, but i know so little. But am learning now. Ulog actually makes you see your own self as you are. The idea of steemit was for you to own your blog, not live at the mercy of others because of upvotes. You know, with you-log, it helps you to be more accountable to yourself and see how authentic and awesome you are. When i first got to steemit, the reigning story was cryptocurrencies. I couldn't key in. Most of my friends ran with the crowd. But now, with ULOG, your originality and person is appreciated. Brother terry, thank you for giving us a voice. Thank you for making us fall in love with our real selves. Most of us have great stories, but always wonder who would even read it. But with ulog,we are our own first true fan. We all have a place.
Someone once said to me, pursue excellence and people will come to you.
Bro terry, i don't know you, but i can never forget you.
Keep doing what you do. All i can do now is to pray for yoi and thank God you came my way.
Don't get tired. Don't retire. We find strength to do more, in the love around us. We might not know your deepest fears, but you are a huge blessing.
Thank you
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Brilliant initiative, @surpassinggoogle!
I've been inviting friends and strangers for years to start blogging about what they like, love, hate, are having trouble with. And this is what I've been hearing from them all the time:
But with your focus on making it easy for everyone to contribute, grow and thrive on the internet...:
Now I can just invite both friends and strangers alike to #Ulog instead. And as you said, that will be the perfect 'in' to join Steemit. Everybody can find a little something about their day to write or record then share via a #Ulog.
I just didn't realize that would be set up like etc. I don't know why I didn't understand that... it should have been obvious to me that you would set it up that way... but what a wonderful surprise to arrive at and find that I can write a post, check activity in my account, check my wallet etc.
LOVE it!!!! Thank you so much for dreaming this up and doing what it took to get it to this stage and for all that you will be adding in the refinement process. Ulogs will be changing the internet landscape big time!!!
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excellent, now we will be more original at the time of publication, we will have more ideas every day thanks for your great support to the community.
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Ulog is bae, it has made steeming more relaxing and not rigid, you feel free sharing your daily experiences.
I am a certified #ulogger!
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Its been mad fun reading a whole lot of ulogs. This is basically ehat keeps my day going. Different people all over the whole telling us about their day and showing us picture and video evidence. Its really breath taking, all thanks to you boss.
You have given people the privilege of putting up original and quality contents. People often have hard times knowing what to write on steemit but with ulogs, all they do is live out their normal day and tell the world about it without stress... A very big thank you to you for this @surpassinggoogle
I was actually one of those people who used to ran out of things to post. But with ulogging, I can write about how my day went. Ulogging somehow has become like a theraphy of sorts for me too.
So yes, I join everyone else in saying my thanks to you @surpassinggoogle for this concept of ULOGS.
I'm one of the beneficiary of ulogs. Thanks for the opportunity given by @surpassinggoogle
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Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".
Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.
If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:
We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.
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Oh wow...this is simply great and "historic".
I see a good future which is now already.
Well done Terry!
You know is still have to read it a couple of times.
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Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".
Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.
If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:
We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.
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I am now starting to create #ulogs post and I hope I am welcome to.
@rigor you are Welcome and enjoy your self here keep posting on #ulog..
Thankyou @hopo04
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#ulog truly rocks. It's more rocking as it allows posting about our own self... Our life.. Our activities... By simply creating a blog daily with may be our daily experience any story related to us.
Great initiative by @surpassinggoogle to remove the barriers of entry. Removes barrier to curation. As we all celebrity , #ULOG is now become buzzword, seems everywhere.
Happy Ulogging!
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Keep doing your good work @Surpassinggoogle. You will surpass google with steemit.
Ulogs is as sweet as a candy <3
Visiting Ulogs Alpha and planning to use it at my next post...looking awesome
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We will put meaning in #ULOG guys give your suggestion's
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Felt so happy and grateful being one of the #ulogger's celebrities in @ulog. And so very thankful to sir terry @surpassinggoogle for initiating these awesome ulog which let me post and share my daily life happenings.
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You are a great inspiration for my steemit career love your support a klot sir with out you we are nothing sir.
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This is really great achivement sir in the span of a month,lot of amazing days are a head sir thanks a lot for your support and have a great day.
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So awsome ane fresh from start to finish as always. Ulog, uloging and ulogers are words but they have one thing in common..u
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ULOG is the best tag experience I've had so far on steemit. It give you the liberty to express yourself to those ready to listen. Thanks for the ULOG experience
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You gave us a platform to write our minds...what can be amazing than this!! Thank you for your contribution :D
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Hey Thanks for the shout-out.
Ive voted you as witness. Ulogs are the most fun thing on the block chain lately
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Thank you so much for featuring my comments here and for Resteeming my first #ulog post...I’m honored! I am really enjoying this new community and I am glad I gave it a Go!! I plan on writing more and look forward to seeing this concept continue to grow!
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Love your support a lot sir this is big reason why ulogs are so successful now.
This is a really good initiative Bro terry (@surpassinggoogle). I am now trying to learn how to start creating a Ulog. Hope to do it soon.
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Ulog tag spreads like gangrene in steemit community and even in the new joiners start their introductory post with ulog tag. Ulog simply starts with a bang! And it maintain its course until now and still rising.
You see #Ulogs is an initiative to create everyday star, to improve quality contents, reward quality contents and this is simply by telling us an account of your day . What your day was all about in detail with pictures or videos as proof of your detailed account of your day. Then use #ulogs, #uloggers as tags , preferably the first two . Here @ulogs, we create everyday star and we all @uloggers are your fans .
Note: #Ulogs & #Uloggers are basically for ULOGs post, unrelated post won’t be entertained as it won’t get curated by ULOGs curators . Thanks . I hope I answered your question
• The "U" in "Ulogs" represents "YOU".
• With ULOGS, "YOU", is what's pertinent and media formats e.g no-Vlogs, no-cameras, shyness etc should pose no barrier to you extending "YOU" to us and to the world, ever-constantly; "tirelessly".
• With ULOGS, "you are celebrity and we your fans".
• With Ulogs, you now have at least one steemit post idea daily, that constitutes YOU. "No longer, should there be a day, that the world is starved of your beauty".
• With ULOGS, "no longer should a day emptily slip by, without "your shine" in it.
• With ULOGS, want you to shine. We want you to lit the steem blockchain and shake it with your beauty.
• With your ULOGS, we will create a fresh trend for #ulog/#ulogs on the entire web-space, filling it with the indispensable awesomeness called; "human"; steemhuman; "steemians".
• ULOGS: Each day and "YOU" in it; carries it's own freshness. So, not a day aren't we capable of re-shaping the entire internet with a piece of freshness.
• By means of our Ulogs, we will be creating historical history by reshaping the internet; surpassing Google in the process.
• With ULOGS: "No longer should there be a day, when we can't add value to the steem blockchain". No more will there be a day on the steem blockchain, when you can say, "i don't have a steemit post idea.
• With ULOGS; "we will keep us ever-present on the web-space; opening us ever-incessantly to opportunities; "even breakthrough opportunities".
• By means of our ULOGS; "our kids and generations yet unborn will read of us and know that we were here each day, evolving in our substance, so that we can leave them legacies behind.
• By means of our ULOGS, we will have fun; fly; shine.
• The world and its toughness can deaden and relegate "our shine" into remoteness and forgotten-ness; by means of the steem blockchain (OUR ULOGS), we want to use each day, to recover some of "our shine" back.
• And if we have lost our shine completely, we will gradually restore it using each ULOG and begin to shine again, like the "true celebrities" that we are: "light in the tunnel".
• ULOGS: Learning; especially learning about yourself; is the ultimate earning.
• The essence of the #ULOGS movement is to remove "barriers to entry", when it comes to "mining the human", using each content-blog that we create.
• You can be Ulogger and "all that's needed is "YOU" and each day and this we will celebrate".
• ULOGS: There is nothing as fresh (in terms of content) as "pieces of us". It is dynamic, fresh, unique, rare. And no "two days" are exactly the same, especially with "You" in it, for we accrue experiences, new moments, new adventures etc.
• We aspire new resolutions each day and fail and succeed and "succeed overall", by virtue of "the gift of life" and this we will document all these celebratorily on the steem blockchain using our ULOGS.....@surpassinggoogle
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Ulogs is so much fun. Whenever im writing my Ulog, it feels like connecting more to your inner self and to every heart of Steemian. Truly, its exciting. You get to feel the thrill in writing it. I love Ulogs. Thank you for creating it @surpassinggoogle. Xoxo
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I love the concept of behind the interface works just like great work there.

I love #ulog and congrats to the authors mentioned above. They desrve it! You only have a few videos in Youtube Sir but surely as u said it will storm soon. Your videos are very helpful to motivate us. We love u!
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Wow this is another new awesome site designed for #uloggers. I actually saw it this morning when you posted it in facebook sir @surpassinggoogle but I wasn't able to open it only gave me a white screen.
This is my testimony and I agree with you sir. I never knew how crypto worked until here. Although I used to hear about cryptocurrency ,it was steemit that introduced me to it.
You know @surpassinggoogle, God will really bless your effort. Thank you for #ulogging.
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Wonderful. 18k post on ulog that is just awesome. Ulog is really beautiful because it is all about yourself and it original. Thanks @surpassinggoogle for this wonderful idea. See how it has gone so far. God bless you with more ideas
Hey Boss is really wonderful as we have grown so quickly, as the projects become closer and closer, with love everything is possible.
I'm happy to be part of this!
Wow this is awesome! I am so glad to be part of this history, myself being an ulogger.
Well, i just tried posting my ulog using a few minutes ago, and it was a success. I would definitely tell this to my friends. Ulogging has been made simple with this website.
Congratulations to you sir Terry and your team! Ang galing!
This is awesome. We never can tell how far a simple idea can go. Just a spark and it spreads like wildfire.
Thumbs up sir Terry.
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Great idea.
Really creative.
Well, I'm really not surprised. There are lots and lots of people who wanna share their day to day experiences with people closer to them physically, but find none.
No one wants to listen. And this is a beautiful platform where you can share whatever you have in mind with no fear and then, we have lots of shoulders to lean on.
So people, like me, always love to speak our minds here and are so proud to be a ulogger
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Thanks for introducing @ulog to us all. Now,I can talk about my day and share in other steemians' experiences as well.
Haha, I've noticed this tag #ulog a couple of days ago, and since then, I've seen countless of posts with this tag. I had no idea what it means, LOL.
I might give this a try since I talk about my daily journey every day already :)
Glad the word ulog stuck. Yes, give it a try, no loss
I have been away a while now, been trying to put a lot together. Ulogging will sure be a good experience. Can't wait to become a ulogger. Kudos bro @surpassinggoogle.
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I am a u-logger
Welldone @surpassinggoogle i see you going greater than this level.And am happy
I have gained a GIF footer.
I know my grow in your footsteps soon sir
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Thanks for sharing this post...and i love steemit.
actually i always follow your every post.
you are a really great on person.
best of luck my friend.....
upvote and resteemit.
Wow few more post of #ulog to go before 20k. This only shows that #ulog is a huge success. Congrats to the man behind this project, @surpassinggoogle! Way to go #uloggers and proud to be one.
I just did my first ulog a few a hours ago and this will most definitely help me in creating better #ulog posts ☺️ Thanks Sir Terry!
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Thanks for introducing @ulog to us all. Now,I can talk about my day and share in other steemians' experiences as well.
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Ulog ulog Ulogs.... Where Everyone is celebrity.
Welcome to the ulog celebrity world @enjeineer you are now officially our new celebrity!
Would love to read the next post and see new shapes ulogs may take with the help of the website and I sure would love to watch those videos you talked about.
I am a ulogger!
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RESTEEMED!Ulog is the best experience so far..thanks to sir @surpassinggoogle for this wonderful concept.. Happy ulogging everyone..
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Truly People connect better to humans. @surpassinggoogle
The sweet part about ULOG is the fact that it gives one pleasure to share his or her LOG. More so, becoming a ULOGGER is very easy, all you need to do is to have a steemit account.
Bless U Surpassinggoogle.
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really it is very great to read the ulogs of all the users that day by day tell us their stories and experiences, some surprising and others in which we feel identified, this has happened to me many times.
Stories that are real and confirmed with images, videos and other material and that undoubtedly leave you intrigued and make you want to read to the end.
All this is thanks to you @surpassinggoogle that you allow all your followers to talk about their day to day and take the delicacy of reading give your vote you make us feel in confidence and help us to continue growing in our family steemians.
With #ulogs many have dared to tell stories that they never thought to do but they know that in this platform many share the same experiences and can help you.
To you @surpassinggoogle thanks for the support, that jehova will repay it in health.
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Thank you@surpassinggoogle for creating #ulog, ulogs. All of us, your follower steemians benefited from you. Thank you for always supporting us. More power sir.
Excellent post thanks for sharing