Hey there BeautyFull SteemSouls 👋 Happy Friday!
In my 'free time' I've been focusing my energy on expressing my creative flow in different ways. I've been working on another drawing the past couple days that I am now ready to share with you. There's a good chunk of process pictures that go along with it, just to give you a heads up.
Also...I am leaning towards adding a splash of color, but other than that, this one is finished as far as actual doodling & drawing goes :)
Let's have a look from start to finish (if/when I go back to color it I will share an update on it).
Here we go.....
So I guess it's all done but the coloring for now ;) Hope you injoyed it!
Thank you for visiting.. & As Always..
Thank You for BEING YOU!
Remember to InJoy the Journey ~ See you again soon

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This is all sorts of happy!⭐️
<333 :) I am happy that you can feel the vibes SiStar ~ thank you & much love!
how much time did you take?
I worked on it over the course of three nights and a little bit of today...in total probably about 3 or 4 hours <333