This would have been brought to you since the day of event but due to my examination I have to keep it to this present moment in order to give you the full detail of how it came.
Wednesday 11th of July is one of the days I have been willing to see, thank God it has come to fulfillment one record has been broken and guess what the record it is.
Although I do see white men across passing but been an African, you know we are black and I have been willing to meet, talk and have gist with white men but thank God that came to pass on Wednesday.
I woke up around 6:30am because I must go to the library for the preparation of my next exams which held Thursday and Friday, I wash some of my clothes, tidy up the room and cook the food I am going to eat for the whole day because I would be coming back late around 5:00 pm. After cooking, I ate and I did some other important stuff and later went to the library. Immediately I reach the library gate, a Jeep also want to enter and inside the car were a white man and a Nigerian that drove him. Wow this is a white man, I said to myself.
How am I going to speak to this man today, this is what I am thinking as I get closer to the entrance of the library not knowing that this man is also coming to use the library. I saw him following me and I wondered where he is heading to not until I entered the library and he and the man that drove him entered as well.
Come and see how glad I am, I already known that we will surely talk together and there came a thought to my mind that we should take photography together and I should also ask him some questions to show my fellow steemain. Yeah, I asked and even these questions are in two form. I mean both written form and oral questions.
Below are the written questionnaire given to Mr. John Manton to write
Question | Answer |
Name | John Manton |
Country | Ireland |
What is your mission here in Nigeria? | To examine History of Nigerian health system |
What is your course of study? | History |
What have you seen in Nigeria that makes you become excited? | This place (Sopolu Library), Oji River, Leprosy settlement in Enugu state. |
What are the negative things you noticed about Nigeria since you arrive? | None |

Here is the image of the written questionnaire with Mr. Manton
In case you are hearing about Sopolu library for the first time, this is a library built inside chief Obafemi Awolowo house, it entails all stuff about politics, economics and a little about health. Chief Obafemi Awolowo was the first prime minister of western region in Nigeria***.
Oji river is a local government in Nigeria located in Enugu state and there is a river which is named after the local government i.e. Oji River. It is a big river which is part of the power source in Nigeria
The Oral questions are as follows;
Question | Answer |
Which other places have you been to in Nigeria? | To almost all Eastern part of the country, Zaria (in North), Ibadan (In south west). |
When next will you be visiting us here in our library? | I can’t say the exact time, the only thing that can still bring me here is if I still need any information again. |
According to what he said in the above table this means Mr. Manton has visited all the 3 major tribes in Nigeria; North is for Hausa tribe, South west is for Yoruba while Eastern part is for Igbo.

Mr. Manton, Mr. Joshua and Sis. Chima
He told me and my friend that went to him that he is a student of history and it is the time for his project and the topic given to his is to examine the history of Nigerian health system.