Always make sure you're hydrated. Not just water but something with electrolytes in it. I have found that is this immensely helpful for the a basic headache.' This sounds crazy, but I follow my appetite. Bananas, peanut butter(any nut butter) the increase in potassium from the bananas and proteins from the nut butters help too.
Most of all relax a cool washcloth on you head and wipe you neck down and enjoy the dim light . I have suffered through migraines most of my life so I have learned little tricks along the way so that I'm not always popping a pill in my mouth. It stinks when you get one that lasts over and hour...2 days is unbearable, especially when it affects your vision.
Rest and relax and try to stay cool!!
Thank you for the tips... i will surely do it.
I hope it helps. I hate people suffering, but to suffer from headaches, its unseen, people don't understand because they, can't see it.