Hey uloggers!
So the hubby gave me a challenge tonight.. he told me I should do a ulog a day so I can not only put down my thoughts and have it recorded, while making some cash on the side, but it could also help my followers get to know me. Hmm I thought. It is a good idea but will I be able to follow through? I always hesitate to do these kinds of daily challenges because I’m afraid to break the streak! But you never know if you never try right? And even if it breaks I can still come back up?
What do you think uloggers? How has your daily ulogging experience been?
Well here’s my mental dump for the day:
Today was a fine day, the weather warmed up and made me want to spend more time up and outdoors! So we went to a little park visit so my boy can run around and use up some energy and later we went home and he got to hang out with his Aunty! Up till that point all was good.. but then it was lunch and nap time! And he seemed to struggle from that point on.
He refuses to sit at the table unless I pretty much sit next to him and hold him there and feed him the food.
Then when I had to put him down for a nap he kept playing around and rolling around his room and getting out of bed etc.. I tried multiple times to get him back and I got really hungry after a while. Eventually after I had my lunch I went back in and had to pretty much rock him to sleep. He was about 1 hour late to his nap. 💤
Anyhow he slept and I did some photo editing work.. and enjoyed that alone time.
Later when he woke he wanted to sit on my lap while he watched the iPad.. I could not possibly do work like that.. so placed him next to me and offered him some food and that definitely occupied him for quite some time. It was apple slices and rice cakes, he later asked me for a mandarin and then more.. this boy loves his fruit.
A few hours later the hubby arrives home and he presses the buzzer so that I can actually greet him at the door. He told me it’s pretty depressing when you come home and no one says hi or even looks at you. So we’re making the effort to do that more. Me having to answer the door helps. I grabbed the boy to help open the door. As soon as it opened however he ran away back to his iPad.. we later realise that he has had a developmental regression ever since I let him use the YouTube kids app. That app contains super addictive menial videos that are on repeat and have no educational value. I have since deleted that app and added some more interactive ones.
He gets so riled up and upset when taken away from the iPad we realised it was a huge problem.
Hopefully deleting the app helps.
We also need to help him with other forms of play. He’s pretty much asking for the iPad all the time now. 😪
It’s hard when I need to do work and he keeps distracting me and the only thing that stops him is the iPad.. sigh..
Anyhow thanks for reading till here. I should stop. It’s late, I’m super tired and my fingers are about to fall off haha.. I never knew I would type so much on my phone.
Hahahahah, what a supportive hubby you've got! Motherhood, ay? x
yay ulog day #1 of new streak. you write a lot. time to get a laptop!