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RE: #ulog 008 - 20/05/2018: When Good Is Best Viewed With The Eyes Of Evil. And Were You At The Show Yesterday?

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)

Wow!! Now I have answers to even the hidden questions. Thanks for telling me all these, and for seeing beyond the words. I was indifferent about writing that piece, now I'm glad I did. I hope I can still hold it together after this, I'm kinda nervous but excited at the same time.. Lol...

"...celebrate remorse, and you would have grown still"- This means a lot to people like me. Thank you for the depth from which you speak. Thanks for all the compliments, encouragements, and for making us happy amidst your pain, I never take it for granted.

I don't need a reason for "I love you Terry", it's on default, and you make it easy. I've learnt again today. Thank you. And please, stop saying you're dying...