I will try to make this short and precise so you can read through it all.
The meaning of religion
For short explanation, religion is believing in something you feel is supernatural. Like believing in God, or Allah or bhudda, or those others ones. It's of most importance to note that when you believe in something, you obey the instructions from such.
Every SANE religion of the world have one similarity.. And that is about love relationship among humans. This means that every religion encourages us to love one another..
This is the cornerstone of the Christianity. When Christ was asked which was the greatest commandment.. He mentioned loving your God totally. And the later on mentioned loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself..
I tell people everytime "When Christ returns, he won't be coming for those who are Pentecostal or Catholic or Anglican or which ever type of Christianity you practice, he will be coming for those who love their God totally and love their neighbors as much as they love themselves
For everytime you treat someone with genuine love.. You are actually demonstrating the godly nature.. This is the most important thing on earth.
Love others.. This is the greatest commandment...and the blessings that comes with it will last for all eternity.
Love isn't a religion. Love won't save you. Our only hope for salvation is repenting of our sins, accepting what Jesus did on the cross as payment for those sins, and accepting Jesus as Lord.
No, every religion doesn't encourage us to love one another. Muslims are taught to hate the Jews. They're taught that it's OK to rape married women captured in battle. They're taught that it's OK to treat women worse than dogs are treated.
Believers in karma would never help a starving child because they believe the child is paying for a sin in a previous life. It was only when Christian missionaries helped people that other religions in those countries did the same or risked losing the people to Christianity.
Every sane....
I do believe j mentioned that
And about the confession of sins..
There is a place for love in all of that..
When you find it, everything falls into place.
I would still love to point out that I clearly mentioned that love is God..