in #ulogs7 years ago (edited)


Its another beautiful Saturday morning and I welcome all of you to your favourite kitchen on the block chain, Saturday Dining With Adoore-eu.

Today, our presentation will wow you. It will take a different shape so stay glued to your phone , laptop and the internet and dont move.

We have a wonderful guest for today's show, and you will love everything about him being here. Him? Oh wow, we now have a man in the kitchen? For God's sake , we have had quite a number of females since we began. Today, we introduce men into our kitchen. Men eat too. Thay have good taste buds as well. They will come in every two weeks (one week in, one week out) to come taste my palatable cooking.

Soonest you shall all join me in welcoming the first man on the blockchain kitchen.
Before then, lets play some music, while we show you last week menu.

music playing...LIKE by Tiwa/ Reekado Banks

Last week menu was for @ogoowinner. Its Ukwa, just the way she likes it.

So sumptuous.

After the long search and digging , I have the honour to invite you to join me as we welcome the man of the steemit nation, a man with a heart, that man that has got much but will never rest until you and I have succeeded. Friends join me as i introduce to you

Crowding cheering, clapping , Standing!
OMG, he's got a whole lot of fans. Wow.


Here, Here, Here, Here and lots more.@adoore-eu ¬ I had wanted to start this interview or chat, with "Can we meet you sir! I find there is no need for that question. Asking @surpassinggoogle about himself will take hours of long talk. Besides, he told me he doesnt like to talk on this, all about him are out there in different post. See some. Find any to read.

Brief intro
However for those new on steemit, @surpassinggoogle is a man very interested in your success. He told me he hasnt got good sleep in two years. With the much we know about him, wanting to be like him, he says he hasnt succeeded until you and I have succeeded. He is a man of great vision and all his goals are geared making you great. He is so selfless.He is the brain behind @teardrops, @untalented, @steemgigs, ULOG. Now this ULOG is something else. Use ULOG as a tag and you will be trending. @surpassinggoogle is giving of himself for the World's adjustment. He has a very tall dream of making everyone who came across him great.

@adoore-eu ¬ Sir, with all protocols duly observed, I welcome you to my blog, my kitchen and my program, Saturday dining with @adoore-eu. Thank you for grant me this once in a lifetime opportunity. I adore you.Like I said earlier, much about you is every where on steemit. So without wasting your time sir, I will you to just say hello to my audience watching.

waving at the crowd ). Hello , I am your boy, Terry.@surpassinggoogle~ (

crowd screaming

waiting for the crowd to be calm .
Wow. Wow . I wonder when I will make this kind of impact on a crowd.
Sir, lets begin. I like us to talk about you and food.@adoore-eu~

@surpassinggoogle ¬ Food is relegated. In my case, starvation is delicious. I try it.

@adoore-eu ¬ OMG, why na?

@surpassinggoogle ¬ Hahaha.

@adoore-eu ¬ You work so hard and enjoy starvation?

@surpassinggoogle ¬ This will swell into hours of talk. But its all there. However, if you cook me food with your stories, being and conscious love, I will feed on it and feel your food's beauty. Sometimes, though, i put the dining table to testimonial use.

@adoore-eu ¬ Testimonial use? So you have no food in particular that you love?

@surpassinggoogle ¬ Jesus was told to eat on the 41st day after no food for 40 days . He still said no. But if i have to eat for you, I will eat for you.

@adoore-eu ¬ Hmm Look at these beautiful foods, I made them myself,


@adoore-eu ~ Seeing them, would you still choose starvation?

@surpassinggoogle ¬ Hahaha, you are very funny. My mind's eye has explored things before I get to see them. Sight thus no longer has a hold on me. However, I have food that if it pops up, I will eat it. I dont eat much though. Once food touches my belly, i get filled.

taking a deep breathe) . I feel better now. So tell me, if you must eat for me, what food would that be.?@adoore-eu ¬ Hmm. (

@surpassinggoogle ¬ Jollof rice, I would eat. Afang, I would eat. If you put love inside the periwinkle, I will suck on its behind with joy

@adoore-eu ¬ Amazing, Hahaha

@surpassingoogle ¬ Edika Ikong, I will eat. Egusi, I will eat. Ewedu, Gbegiri and Ogunfe, I would eat. Nkwobi I will eat. Abacha, I would eat if the pomo is tight

Both Laughing Hahahahahahahaha

@surpassinggoogle ¬ Oha, I would eat

@adoore-eu ¬ Wow, Oha? I made it recently for @zizymena.

@surpassinggoogle ¬ I was trying to exhaust the list

@adoore-eu ¬ If asked to choose one, what will it be?

@surpassinggoogle ¬Really, what can you cook? All?

(blushing)@adoore-eu ¬ I can make all but only one special meal will do for now. I will make it and you will come taste it. I can cook all. I am a great cook

@surpassinggoogle ¬ Hmm. Oh I see you do continents too.

@adoore-eu ! Yes, I was coming to that. The food you mentioned are common mostly in Nigeria. How about your local food?

@surpassinggoogle ¬ I dont know if i have a local food. But lets make it fun. Lets have you try 'kare kare' Do you improvise if you dont get the right vegetables etc?

@adoore-eu ¬ Kate Kate sounds fun

Both laughing@surpassinggoogle ¬ Not Kate, but Kare Kare.

@adooreeu ¬ Kare Kare sounds great.

@surpassinggoogle¬ Okay, lets make it fun. See if you can make Kare Kare.

@adoore-eu¬ If I get am nko? I will make it and present it with all my love. Is there a special thing you like me to add?

@surpassinggoogle¬ just your love, think of me, fix me.

@adoore-eu ~ Not to worry, when i make it, you will no longer enjoy starvation.

@surpassinggoogle¬ Hahaha, I will eat your meal for sure.

@adoore-eu¬ Thanks, am highly honoured. So did you ever cook, even if for one day?

@surpassinggoogle¬ Yep, when I was younger, we cooked in turns. I have three sisters but Dad involved me, I had to

@adoore-eu¬ Wow, what was your fear the first time you cooked?

@surpassinggoogle¬ Cook for me, I have no fear. Cook for others, I entertain fear

@adoore-eu¬ Hahahaha

@surpassinggoogle¬ So am better at cooking with limited ingredients. I just have intuition that works

@adoore-eu¬Intuition that works? Mind selling some?

@surpassingoogle¬ I just sprinkle stuff in and it works. So i cant picture it well; I feel you have it too. Some people just have it when it comes to cooking

@adoore-eu¬ Thank you. Hmm. Sprinkle things, hahaha. Some men hardly cook well, but you seem amazing in the kitchen

@surpassinggoogle ~ When I was younger, I don't follow protocols. I put everything in from the onset and it works. I can boil eggs too.

@adoore-eu ~ Eggs? Hahahaha. Please what food didn't you like when growing up?

@surpassingoogle ~ Well, none. I wasn't too particular about food. I could try them all. But it was never the way to my heart.

@adoore-eu~ I guess it wasn't hard feeding you then. Some kids are difficult

@surpassinggoogle ~ I wasn't kid for long.I was an adult from kid.

@adoore-eu ~ OMG, adult from kid?

@durpassinggoogle ~ Yes, with the kids, I ate. On the streets, I ate. My mummy's food , I ate but I left home early. My dad licked his plate cos of his intense love for her.

@adoore-eu ~ Wow, what love. I can imagine! Now that I met you, permit me to express my condolence about Mama's demise.

@surpasssinggoogle ~ No worries, thank you.

@adoore-eu ~ I thank God you survived all those years. You worked very hard and have made it, now you can dine with kings, no longer on the streets.

@surpassinggoogle ~I haven't made it till you have made it and generations yet unborn have made it.

@adoore-eu ~ Wow, wow. What a heart of gold you have . May your fine works never be forgotten. You are an idol to be worshipped sir.

@surpassinggoogle ~ Hahaha. Nope, I am your boy, Terry. Mere dust. Everything I do is for Jehovah.

@adoore-eu ~ Hmm, such humility. Lastly sir, because I have taken much of your time, what advice do you have for me and my kitchen?

@surpassinggoogle ~ Advice? I will advice you after tasting the food, hahahaha.

@adoore-eu ~ Now, am nervous. Hahahaha.

@surpassinggoogle ~ Your concept is great. For now its still fresh so pace it. Add your stories, life into your cooking. Food with stories, soul and swag tastes different and better. Be willing to dig

@adoore-eu ~ Am digging, that's how I found you. I never rested until you obliged me.

@surpassinggoogle ~ I will tell you more after I have my kare kare served.

@adoore-eu ~ Hahahaha, thank you so much. It shall be served soon. It was wonderful having you on my show, I feel highly elated to host an icon like you. Thanks for honouring me, may God honour you too Sir

@surpassinggoogle ~ It was nice talking with you. Expecting my kare kare.

Both laughing
@adoore-eu.~ Already on it.

Viewers, readers, that was @surpassinggoogle, my elder brother.Hahahaha. Yes, he is a big brother to many of us here on steemit. Follow him , visit his blog, join him in achieving his dreams for steemians, blog with ULOG and he will respond. Visit his channel @steemgigs in discord . For tips on what ULOG is about and how it plans to run, visit Vote @surpassinggoogle as your steem witness. He deserves your vote.

My guest @surpassinggoogle requested for a meal common in Philippine. Its called Kare Kare. He is waiting to have a taste and appraise my kitchen. Let's do this .

Ingredients for Kare Kare
~ Beef oxtail/ pork hock
~ Egg plant
~chinese cabbage
~Green beans/ string beans
~Peanut butter
~ Pepper/ seasonings
~A thickener e.g corn starch
These vegetables could be substituted or complimented with
~ pechay/ choy leaves
~babana heart
I didn't get pork hocks, so I substituted with goat. I didn't want the everyday beef.


Preparation of Kare Kare dish
Step 1: Wash the Chinese cabbage and slice. Slice into two equal parts
Step 2: Wash the egg plant and slice diagonally
Step3: Peel the garlic, do not slice
Step 4: Peel and slice onions
Step 5: Wash the green beans/string/ long beans but don't slice. Just cut off the edges. You now have this :

Main Cooking
~Wash and boil the meat with salt and little seasoning until tender or until the meat is almost leaving the bone
~ Separate the meat from stock, keep both aside
~Heat up little groundnut oil and fry the green beans for one or two minutes
~Pack it out and fry egg plant for one or two minutes
~ Pack them out and fry Chinese cabbage or pechay for 1 or 2 mins
~ In a palm oil, saute garlic and onions
~Add the green beans and egg plant, add the meat stock image
~Add peanut butter. Two spoons
~Add one spoon of corn starch to thicken the soup

~Add the meat image
~Add the Chinese cabbage
~Add seasoning- salt, pepper , kitchen glory image
Boil for a few minutes

Wow, the soup is ready

Would you love to see the **Kare Kare **dish?
Check it out:
What about yours? Have a taste here


I packed it for him @surpassinggoogle, ready to be delivered in his hotel room. He flew in from Philippines, remember? Hahahaha.

Tell who they are with the clues given. Please identify just one person and allow others participate. A token will be awarded for correct answers. Yaah, let's go.

  1. If your daddy has no naira, just call on him.
  2. I know that he is a boss
  3. He deals in euro
  4. You win but she sends you away
  5. With his brand name, you can make your clothe stand
    Hahahaha. These are simple. Pick your customer number and identify them


@zizymena ~ The meal I didn't like why growing up? 🤔🤔 I didn't like pap while growing up. I just don't know why but it disgusted me a lot although now I love it so much

@dubem-eu~ I hate egwusi soup while growing up probably because of the system my grandma used to prepare it. She likes it tick. But now the same egwusi soup is among my first three soups

So I was more like that child you don't force to eat@eunireal1~ To be honest I loved all meal served to me as a kid my parents were always happy with me seeing that I finished all my meal first.

@prudie~ I hated moi moi when I was little cos it makes me fart at night even till now I don't take it 🤦🏼‍♀

@anikys3reasure ~Momah @⁨adoore-eu⁩ the food I hate so much when growing up is not one...

Guess what??
I hate all food produced from cassava, I mean all food made from cassava or gotten from cassava, I don't eat Eba, Garri is not my friend, Fufu worst enemy, cassava flour problem (Yoruba's call it white Amala). I just can't stand those food and I don't like salad too... But recently I ate that of chicken Republic and loved it so so much... Thanks momah, I love your show. It makes me salivate.... Even if I don't know your place to taste out of it.

AMALA this food 🥘 always irritate even if it’s with nice soup 🍲. I hate this food because of its colour which is always black. The colour scared me a lot and I vomit 🤮 anytime I’m force to take it@peakreal~ Nice question. Ma I hate taken cassava flour aka

@tomfreeman ~Shey me? I hated salad because of it's coldness and creamy look...not now again sha

Still do...
I love beans alot by the way@levitated-mind~ I hated beans and corn.

@desmoniac~ White beans was tasteless to me and I ddnt see why pple liked it... So whoever it is put in rice, I pick it out

@adoore-eu~ Hahahahahaa. Thanks all for responding. I don't think your parents knew all these. Hahahaha. They well working to put it on the table but you were frowning at it, hahaha. I will tell your mummies.


imageJoin them at @bloggersheavens and twerk camp.



Email:[email protected]
Call or Text: 09099287826
For your various occasions,contact EsteemedB cakes to cater to your needs.
Delivery:Residents in Lagos(Egbeda,Ipaja,Iyana Ipaja, Ikotun,Igando and its environs)

@eurogee, @nairadaddy and @jeaniepearl. May you never lack favour. Thank you


Thanks all for everything. I couldn't have made it this far without you. May God support and reward you all.

Thanks @surpassinggoogle, the man of the moment, I appreciate you kindness, humility and lovely personality. You are awesome.

Gifted by @nairadaddy

Yours always,

Your block chain chef @adoore-eu

Dear @surpassing that's **kare kare** you asked for. Taste it, eat all, I am untalented. Waiting for my score, hahaha. And don't forget you promised to advice me and the kitchen after the tasting. Thank you. This is how far we can go for today's episode. I hope you learnt at least one thing today. It has been a great honour having you all. Follow me @adoore-eu for more delicacies. Until I meet you again next week, stay healthy

Lolz... Kare Kare... Like I really feel like eating those dishes right now from my phone if it was possible.. You sure know how to make a person salivate ma'm @adoore-eu

Great show you got here, more grease to your elbow.. Remain blessed.

Thanks so much for your support. Not intentional to make you salivate

@levitated-mind really broke my heart 😕 Saying he hated beans and corn ... Who does that?! .. Bring me beans and corn and all your sins will be forgiven 😁 ... Ma @adoore-eu you are doing great here .. Keep this up

Thank you @dray91eu. Sorry to break your heart the more, I took dont eat beans and corn. I have tasted it only once and i didnt like it. The corn will never melt in equal proportion with the beans. Thanks for stopping by

Wow.... Beans is my best o
With corn is a free ticket to heaven my brother!!!

This is superb as usual

I not only heard about kare kare today but was also taught how to prepare it by our one and only @adoore-eu.

@surpassinggoole your great works speak for themselves. May god bless you real good.

Am stupendously elated by the gandeur and sumptous nature of the "kare kare" meal, i plan om visiting The Phillipines anytime soon to go learn more about programming and beef up my programming skills.

By the way, the Answer to number one question is @Nairadaddy, my super creative steemit role model.


Funny enough @surpassingggoogle saying he doesn't eat much and not a food person well in my case, I am not a food person too but I eat a large quantity when I am ready to eat...
Wow... You got @surpassinggoogle to the house, that's so great and you must be proud of that Hehehehe.... So lovely of him saying he loves all those Nigerian dishes, trust me boss @surpassinggoogle you made the right choices of food, you really know your Nigeria delicacy and I so trust @adoore-eu to make you lick your plate like daddy does always....as for the "kare kare" (Kate Kate) prepared by @adoore-eu... It is so beautiful from where I am, and I placing me order for 3 plates, I won't tell you who will eat the extra 1 plate because I am eating 2 plates myself. I will save that procedure I will use that to taste any girl if she can cook before I marry her....

Lol.... Wonder episode @adoore-eu and I am so happy to see @surpassinggoogle in the building

Shout-out to @eurogee @nairadaddy @jeaniepearl for the support, love you guys

Hahahahahaha, you will test a girl on food before you marry her? Is food everything?Hmm, i have sent one of my waitressed to come deliver three plates for you. Hahaha. Expecting 9sbd from you when he returns, hahaha. Thanks for appreciating my donators. Thanks for visiting

She just have to learn from the boss herself ...@adoore-eu

Best customers of the week :
3.He deals in euro.... Daz @eurogee... My second guess.

Thanks so much for visiting. Your answer is right but i hope it hasnt been mentioned before by someone

Infact this delicacy is too much. Am farmished already.I really want to commend you Madam Adoore for the time taking to prepare this wonderful delicacy.
Its so kind of @surpassinggoogle to honour your kitchen with a visit. The delicacy he chose is really yummy. I will be getting more of them when you come for holidays in Mama's house

The answer to your 5th question is @ejemai of @stach

Thank you bros. I already promised to make them for you when i visit. Mummy will be happy and rejoice with me. Steemit brought out the best in me. Am still untalented, even. Yes @surpassinggoogle really did well, giving me that much attention. Thank you.

Mama, the best people who truly know taste are men. We always appreciate our women who cooks, so always invite us to your kitchen... Once in 2weeks is cheating. 😂😂😂

😍 Question 1 answer is @nairadaddy

Hahahahahaha, once in two weeks is fair. That means even for the females, they will come once in two weeks also.

Your answer for the guess game is correct. A large sum of 0.200sbd will be added to your wallet. Thanks for participating

Thanks momma!! 💪💪 🤗🤗Hugs

Our today's dish is the sweetest and amazing.....
Do you know why? An outstanding personality just grace our kitchen.....this food must be a special one.
Of a truth this is my first time of hearing a dish called "kare" "kare"
My dear our kitchen is going international oooh
Thanks for putting in all your effort, time, etc....for this blockchain kitchen to be a success...and success it will be!
Keep it up!

Thanks so much dear

Kitchen on Philippine fire .... kare kare

Yes o. We went intercontinental this week. Thank you

You will kill person oooooooo..... Chai, small small ma, nice guest.. Mr mind's eye aka surpassing-g... Terry yo!

Hahahaha. Mba nu. I cant kill. Hahaha. Just trying my hands on different delicacies. Thank you

Wow. This your show has ignite the need to improve my cooking skills. I don't really like cooking but I now see the importance of learning how to prepare nice dishes.
For myself and for future life plans things.

Today's meal is another hit. I am still dreaming of your garnished spaghetti. Will try it out one of these days. Interesting having @surpassinggoogle on the show today.

Answer for Question 2 is @ehiboss.

Thanks so much for the advert.

Wow, how did you get that? You have won a whooping sum of 0.200sbd. Thanks for participating and your kind words

I ran across the name on someone's post . Decided to try my luck.lol.
You are welcome. Thanks for creating this amazing kitchen.

Thanks for the token.

Na wa o. This early morning? See the way my stomach kept rumbling till I got to the end of the post...
And the dish doesn't look difficult; the ingredients are easy to find. I must try this out.

The answer to your first question is Nairadaddy

Thank you so much, i appreciate you. Your answer is correct but someone else was faster

Wow, all of the dishes are seems so delicious. I speacially love those kind of spicy foods.Thanks a lot for sharing.

I appreciate you dear

Wow! @surpassinggoogle, welcome to our kitchen where we hang out every Saturday to enjoy special delicacies from @adoore-eu.

Hahahahahahaha. Yes o

Hahhahaahhaha@adoore-eu small small oooo... I'm making akara this morning. This one has made me annoyed with my akara

This your comment deserve some accolades.
You crack me up

covers face

Hahahahs... Please I like Akara too, but in this case nobody will leave G-wagon and enter Camry pencil light

Your head!

Hahahahahaha, akara is good food joor. I eat akara and pap like another thing. Its wonderful to hear you making it yourself. You are really industrous ma. Thanks for visiting

Lolzzzz... Yes o... Akara/Moimoi and Pap is for Saturdays
Thanks ma'am

Madam, u just spoilt the egg am frying with this your post, you make me look like bad cook, now what i feel eaten, is not within my reach..... Crying and smiling at the same time... Madam question 1 is @nairadaddy

Hahahahaha. Stop frying egg. Let me be delivering good dishes to you. Hahaha. You are really not a bad cook. Egg is fine. I trust what you can make with it

Haaaaaaa @surpassinggoogle???? Wawuuu

OMG! You have done it again o. On my way to the dining now, this is a must for me to tast. Lollll Weldon ma’am, you have done so wonderful... more of it

Thanks for your support dear

Weldone ma'am.... More grease to your elbow

Thanks darlyn

Answer to number 3 question is our boss @eurogee

Wow, thats correct. You now have a whooping sum of 0.200sbd added to your wallet. Thanks for participating

Hmmmm..... You killed it again this week and this time around with something different. You must have put so much effort into this and you sure deserve love.
I know Sir Terry will not leave without a gift, so enjoy!!!

Hahahahaha, thanks for being here, ma.

This got me Sir, hahahahaWow @surpassinggoogle is today's guest hurray I'm part of the crowd cheering so loudly Sir terry is here💖💯

If you put love inside the periwinkle, I will suck on its behind with joy
He knows almost most of our native meals.
Best customer of the week is @nairadaddy

A great visitor.... I almost guess @surpassinggoogle but I was thinking he's the busy type....Momah @adoore-eu you are always motivating me but might not understand How? Always loving your ways. I just wished sir Terry @surpassinggoogle can taste today's food.... @adoore-eu is a chef... God bless your delicious hands 👐 Momah.

Best customers of the week.... I guess.... 1.@nairadaddy

I am happy you are able to get @surpassinggoogle onboard this program, congratulations. Keep sailing higher!


just love of the food here,
I love kare kare,
just by looking at it my saliva drops, ;-)

Wow, am touched. Thank you

Wooow! your kare kare looks really delicious craving for that can't stop my hunger Got to go to the kitchen. yay HAHAH

Hahahaha, come join in the fun

i wish too miss @adoore-eu :) Hahahaha

My oh my. It was so much fun reading the interview!!!
@surpassinggoogle you are funny. As you spoke, I had this sudden urge to hear your thoughts in theology and philosophy.

Soon I hope!

The Kare Kare dish looks yummy!

Thanks @chiama. I appreciate you

Your kare-kare is really good better than mine, I loved it with spicy bagoong @adoore-eu you are good at the kitchen and so surely Terry can ate now better, good job😊

Wow, thank you so much. I appreciate

you are much welcome, pleasure is mine😊

Hope you wouldnt mind visiting my kitchen some day soon?

Yes, dear I followed you already and looking forward at your kitchen, I just charging my power haha...I'll do cooking 3-4 times a day surely we connect each other at the kitchen...have a great day😊

A wonderful dish for a wonderful man. Thank you adoore for hosting our boy Terry.

Thanks dear, i appreciation

Congratulations!,@adoore-eu Your post has been upvoted by Reach Out, which is proudly sponsored by @eturnerx. Our goal is to support Nigerian minnows on Steemit. Join our discord group https://discord.gg/NWAkKfn Benefactor : @bleepcoin

Very looking food park on your post.Every carry is too testy as like.I fell hangry to see your food picture.

Hahaha, just give me your address, i will deliver yours

Chai i arrived iya bashira kitchen late ooo😂

Hahahahahahaha Iya Basira don dey call you since. Na she dey next door. This is @adoore-eu. Hahahahaha.

Wow, so you really prepared that kate, kate. Hahaha
Then no doubt, you are a very great cook. Hope to meet you someday to have a taste of your kitchen.

Wow, I will be so glad to meet you too. Thank you

I love kare-kare and wow that looks so delish! More, more, more. Followed and will be checking you out here every now and then. All the best.

You are an angel


Your post has been upvoted and resteemed to my community.

Curator on duty: @antigenx

God bless you

Ulog tag brought me here. I must confess I am amazed by the energy with which you answered comments. I thought I'll see your reply on like first ten but up-to the last comment.

Good one.

Hahahahaha, thank you for being here, God bless you.

Wow, you surprised us on this one.
Please what does it taste like?
What can it be eaten with?