I must say it has been challenging but fun too and I have learned a lot throughout these period.
I have met with scholars from different parts of Africa. It has been a period of learning and helping others do same.
We work as one and everyone is always ready to help each other in learning.
For the font end track, we had about 22 lessons in all with the 21st being a pixel art project (a web page that allows user to draw and color grids).
I had completed my lessons and project last week and I was waiting for the final project (as we were told during our last meetup that this will come). so I was ready to face the challenge.
Early this week , I receive a mail about the 7 days of coding challenge(which gives a description on how to go about the final project for this phase ).
#7daysofcode challenge
After seeing the mail, I had to wrapped up my pixel art project and push it to github, and I did my submission yesterday.
Below are samples of what I design using the pixel Art programmed by me .
You can check out my pixel art project and make cool grid design with it on https://ofonime41.github.io/Pixel-Art-Maker/
You can go get fun with pixel design here
With my challenge submitted, I go to the slack channel to help other completer their project as well.
I have put my best into this challenge and I'm optimistic of making it into the next stage.
Few moments from we will be having a “Experts Hangouts Session ”
Everyone is invited to hangout here
Don't miss it!
Thank you #ALC #Google ,#ALCwithGoggle for this privilege to advance my skill and get to met other programmers.
Thanks you to my Readers and followers out there.
Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!
Thank you @wafrica