True Chaotic vs. The Red Reapers Chapter 1: Hara's Dream and The Funeral

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As Hara walked down the wet path through the woods. He would look back towards Kami’s kominkan, with a big sigh, he looks around the forest. He comes across a tall tree and tosses his backpack up it. He jumps up grabbing a branch and pulling himself up. Pulling the hood of his black hoodie over his head, he finds a crook in a large branch and falls asleep. The sun is bright, and it is warm. The ocean waves crash against the shore, as Hara is walking down the sidewalk. He bumps into some tourist and apologizes.

As he walks on, he looks through the wallet he just lifted. He pulls out around three hundred dollars in cash and tosses the wallet onto an empty bench. As he strolls down the sidewalk whistling, he spots a couple of people that he wishes not to speak with. Looking around, Hara sees an open window and climbs through it. Inside the room is a young mother and child sitting down for breakfast.

The lady looks at Hara and smiles. “Pilikia koke Hara?” (Hawaiian for Getting in trouble early? Loose translation.)

Hara smiles back at the lady. He rubs the child’s hair and walks out of the front door. He walks down the hall and takes the stairs to the rooftop. He stands on the roof and looks out over the town of Kailua-Kona. This is a nice place to visit. Living here is another story. Yes, the resorts are nice, and we get a lot of tourists, but unless you can get a job at the resorts or a tourist trap, money is hard to make. Sometimes you must get creative to get the money to help your mom pay bills and feed your little brother and sister.

Hara was not a true criminal in his eyes. He is just a guy trying to help his family get through things. Since his dad had left, it fell to Hara to be the man of the family. Dropping out of school in his junior year of High school to help his mom, he now helps tourists out with all the money they bring to the island.

There is a crack of thunder. The rain gets heavier. Hara balls up tighter, trying to protect himself from the rain. He opens one eye and looks back down the path towards Kami. He wipes the rain from his face and pulls the drawstrings on his hood, getting as tight as he can get it. He turns his head and closes his eyes, falling asleep again. Hara downshifts as he turns the corner hard. He looks out of the passenger window as a dark hair guy is pushing his car hard. The full moon light shines down on the streets of San Antonio.

Hara makes a hard left turn through a red light. He works the gears trying to keep up with the other car. As the cars pass under an overpass, Hara hits the emergency brake and his car skids to a stop, just behind the other car. Hara sits there with his head down. Soon after, there is a tap on the window. Hara looks up at the dark-haired guy. The guy tells him to roll the window down. Hara thinks about taking off. Staring at the guy, Hara rolls the window down.

“Man, that was close. You are a pretty good driver. Now you hand me the five grand.”

Hara looks at the guy and swallows hard. Hara begins to smile. “So, about that cuz, you are going to give me some time.” The guy grabs Hara and drags him out through the window.

He takes Hara and slams him on the hood of the car. “Money in the hand. That was the rule, and now you are going to tell me that you don’t, have it? I guess I will just have to get it out of you some other way. Give me the keys to your car.”

Hara turns his head and just looks at the front seat of the car. The guy looks in the front seat as well and sees a screwdriver jammed into the ignition switch. The guy just laughs to himself. “So, you don’t have the money, and the car is not yours either. Why would you do something so stupid?”

The morning comes. There is a chill in the air. Hara climbs down out of the tree. He pulls off his hoodie and the shirt under it. He digs through his backpack. He pulls out a black long sleeve t-shirt. He runs his fingers through his wet hair and grabs his phone out of the backpack checking the time. He notices that Kami had not tried to contact him. He puts the phone back in the pack.

He starts to walk through the forest back towards Kami’s kominka. As he gets close, he ducts out of the way and just watches the house for a bit. He watches as a black car pulls up, with four people getting out of it. He looks and sees Colton and Cassie Hurst. The other two were Lily and William. Lily is the girl Colton is getting ready to marry. William is Cassie’s new boyfriend. Hara watches as they go into the house. He sits there and watches until Kami comes out and gets in the car. A half smile formed along his lips, taking in all her beauty. Cassie and Lily come out and get in the car with her, He ducks down as too not be seen.

As the car passes, Colton and William would walk out of the house. They start to walk down the path. As they talk to each other, Hara slides unnoticed up behind them. He follows them down the path as they talk. William looks at Colton. “So, Colton, what is going on here? I mean I don’t mind a trip to Japan, but it seems this is not just some vacation.”

Colton keeps looking forward. “Listen Billy, there are some things that are better off you not knowing. Let’s just say Kami was sent here to investigate some things for us. She is good with computers and is a high-class martial artist. Dude, I have seen her take down four people on her own, and not break a sweat. She is highly capable, but I paid Hara to come here and protect her. They got contracts with Ultimate Wrestling, so she could get more information for us. He is supposed to be by her side 24/7. That is what he is being paid for. Now he just packs his shit and walks out. When I find him, I am going to kick his ass.”

Hara steps up and pushes Colton from the back. With a blur Hara spins Colton around and stares deep into his eyes.

“So… cuz, you are going to kick my ass huh? Well, here I am. You think I just walked out, you think I would do that to her or the family, you really think that low of me? I owe the family too much to walk off like that. She didn’t want me there, so I left. That does not mean I would not watch over her. As for the money, why don’t you call Mrs. Summer and ask her where the money is you have been paying me. I have sent everything you sent me to her. I started doing that the day after I met Tenshi. Sorry, I kept a hundred bucks for me, but everything else went back to Ms. Summer. This is not a job. This is where I need to be. I am meant to be here, with her. I mean protecting her. So, if you still want to kick my ass, then there is no better place than right here.”

Colton pushes Hara off and pulls out his phone. He opens it and starts to scroll through. “Well, damn you are not lying. You sent 99,900 dollars back to my mom.”

William looks at Hara and smiles. “Love makes us do strange things huh?”

Colton looks at William then back at Hara. “Shit I cannot argue with that. Cuz, did you tell her about this?”

Hara just stares at Colton. Colton shakes his head. “Cuz, you are never going to make it unless you start using your head for something besides a hatrack.”

Colton pulls out his phone and sends a text to Lily and Cassie explaining everything. He then scrolls through and hits some buttons and then puts his phone away.

“Well hell, now we must hurry. We have to get you a suit and take you to the funeral. Maybe it is not too late to fix this fuck up of yours.”

William laughs as they walk back to Kami’s kominka and wait for the car to show up. Minutes later, they get into the car when it shows up. Colton looks at Hara.

“I guess I need to pay for the suit huh, guess you will need it for more than just this.”

Hara gets his suit and a pair of dark sunglasses. He jams his old clothes into his backpack and hands it to Colton as he asked to be dropped off down the road of the Imperial Palace. Hara cuts around back and sneaks in through the small group of people. He carefully walks around, trying not to be noticed.


It was a beautiful afternoon for the kokubetsu-shiki. Kami and her American friends had just pulled up to the cemetery grounds behind the Imperial Palace. The garden was decorated with many arrays of flowers, pictures and a handful of friends and family. Amongst the family stood the Emperor, Kami’s grandfather, his wife, and both of Kami’s parents.

The strong smell of incense perfumed the area where Kami’s brother now lay to rest. You can hear the voice of an elder Buddhist Priest as he chants the sutras. Both Kami’s parents stand along the front of the casket. The atmosphere was solemn and respectful. However, not many patrons would be present. This was a family affair; Akihiko, Kami’s brother, having been shunned by the Imperial Palace, after the murder of his grandmother, was only allowed to be buried in the family ground because of Kami. It was not by the grace of the emperor, that would allow the murderer of the empress, his true love, to be buried among the royal family, Kami had pleaded with him for the sake of their mother, the emperor’s daughter.

Kami was not dressed in the traditional black attire as the rest of the mourners. Though she loved her brother, she would not celebrate the life he chose to live. Her respect for him left the night he chose the Yakuza over his family. Hesitantly she would make her presence known to both her parents. Both grieving at the side of her brother’s casket, she would walk up between them, looking down upon her brother’s casket.


“Arigatou, Kami” Her mother says while giving her a hug.

“Yes! Thank you for doing this, my sweet Tenshi.”

Her father would reply with a joint hug. This caused a bit of discomfort for Kami, not only would the welcoming hugs have her gritting her teeth, but her father’s words, only brought great sadness, sending reminders of Hara. “Tenshi”, the one-word Kami would long to hear, but coming from that of another man. She looked up slowly, looking around in hopes of seeing Hara, he was nowhere to be seen.

Cassie and Lily would now make their way up to Kami and her parents. Cassie being the one to speak. She would bow to Ms. Nakada and to Kami’s father. Showing her sign of respect. Lily would follow suit, as she was not accustomed to their formalities.

“I am sorry for your loss.” Cassie would look at both of Kami’s parents.

“Thank you, Cassandra.” Kami’s mother replied, stepping over and giving her a hug.

“Who might this beautiful lady be?” Kami’s father would speak up.

Kami would look at Lily as she began to blush.

“This is Colton’s bride to be, Lily.” Her father would nod.

“Ah, yes, how is your brother, Cassandra, did he make the flight too?”

Cassie nods. “He did, Mr. Brannigan, hopefully you will get to see him before we leave.”

Kami’s father would smile.

“How is that young man of yours, Cassandra, what was his name, Damon?” Kami’s mother asked.

Cassie was quiet for a moment. Her facial expression grew darker, yet with a sadden touch. Kami would notice the discomfort and she would jump in to help.

“No, mother. Damon is no longer together with Cassandra; she has a new relationship now. Damon is no longer with us.”

Kami would look at Cassie with a wink. Kami’s mom looked at Cassie and rather to ask further, she would let the conversation die out.

“I think it’s starting, mom. The priest is gathering around.”

As the crowd slowly walked to the tiny room where only the immediate family would sit, both Kami’s parents, the emperor, not his wife, Kami, and both Cassie and Lily would step inside and be seated. From outside the room, Hara spots Kami, Cassie and Lily as they walk in, another half-smile formed once again as he stood in “awe” of Kami’s beauty. Just to the left of the building, stood both William and Colton. Both looking on as they make eye contact with both Cassie and Lily.

Colton would lift his cell phone, pointing to it and then to Cassie, she lowered her head to the side and checked her cell. Not opening the text at the time, she placed it back into her tiny bag and waited for the ceremony to end. The ceremony continued, a few friends of Kami’s brother back from high school had shown up and gave eulogies. One girl stood out from the rest. She was dressed in the traditional black colored kimono; however, this kimono was very unorthodox.

The young lady stood alongside two men, to be about the same age as Kami’s brother. The female had turned towards Kami and her parents as a very large pregnant body stood out from the kimono. There were two tattoos upon the female, both upon the left side of her body. The tattoos were identical; a decretive heart colored in with red with the name Akihiko written on the inside; one on the belly and the second on her thigh.

Both parents were shocked as they turned to each other and then to Kami as she would stand to her feet and approach the young woman. Kami looking rather disgusted at the young female.

“Who might you be?” Kami stood alongside the young girl as she sobbed at the sight of Akihiko’s casket. “I am Yu Ling, daughter of Kenichi Ling, wife of Akihiko.”

Kami’s mouth dropped, her eyes grew wide, and they grew cold. Kenichi Ling was only the main leader of the Yamaling-gomi, the largest Yakuza organization. The only clan with ties to the United States. This sparked the interest of Colton Hurst, as he remembered hearing the name come from his father, Hunter Hurst. Colton looked around, he whispered to William who in return went over to where Cassie and Lily were seated.

Both Kami’s parents and the emperor would stand to their feet quickly. Imperial guards began to crowd the family as Kami stood close by the young girl. From behind the building Colton advised Hara of the situation. He hesitantly left the area browsing the grounds for any intruders.

While the guards began to draw the attention of the spectators, the priest and everyone close by were directed to the inside of the Imperial Palace. The young female began to slowly walk away from the funeral site and towards the cemetery grounds. Cassie, and Lily were struggling to get Kami’s attention as she began to follow the girl. William draws the girls’ attention and tries to lure them into the palace. Colton would join up with them.

From a distance Hara can see an older man trying to hide along the tree lines. The man was holding what appeared to be a rifle of sorts and was aiming in the direction of the pregnant girl and Kami. A loud whistle could be heard coming from the wooded area and the pregnant female ducks, and makes a left, walking as fast as she can. Hara gets a bad feeling as he rushes over to Kami, who had just leaned down to the right, sliding her hand up into her kimono, retrieving a poison tipped star dart. As she leans up, a shot was heard coming from the tree line, Hara lunges out at Kami, knocking her to the ground as the bullet grazed the side of her pink kimono.

The two would hit the ground hard, with Kami’s body hitting the ground first upon impact, Hara landing on top. Hara looks down. " You ok, Tenshi?"

He rolls over and tells Kami to stay down. He slides around the garden wall and out to the street. He makes his way to where the shooter was standing, but he is gone. He makes his way back to Kami. He walks up to her with his head down. He softly whispers to her. "I am glad you are ok. I am sorry I did not see him sooner. You are not hurt, are you?"

Hara kneels and brushes the dirt off her clothes. Looking up into her eyes and then back away towards the ground.

Kami's eyes began to blink, she would catch her breath harshly. "Hara?"

Her voice was faint, but auditable. She slowly tries to lean up, reaching for the left side of her leg. She winces in pain, as Hara believes the pain to be from her ribs. He slowly helps her, as he notices a small, burnt hole on the side of her kimono. He begins to check for blood, but only notices the star dart stuck into the calf of Kami's left leg. Hara looks at the dart then up to Kami.


"Tenshi, is that mine or yours?"

She barely lifts her arm slowly and points to him. He lets out a long sigh.

"That is good. It is not lethal, but your leg is going to be useless for the next couple of hours."

He walks over and grabs a chair and brings it over to her.

"Here sit down and relax. How are your ribs? I hate to break the news to you but, outfit has a hole in it now. Seems like I cannot take you anywhere."

He smiles as he gives her head a pat.

Kami leans back in the chair; she looks over to him with an unusual glare.

"My ribs are fine, Hara." She turns her head towards the palace. "Where are my parents, is everyone ok?"

She winced as she moved in the seat. "I would thank you, but you were only doing what you are paid to do, so the money should be thanks enough."

She turned her head as not to allow him to see her look upset.

Hara just looks at her. He stares at the ground; He looks around and sees Kami's father and mother looking around and checking on people. Without giving her a chance to object, He leans over and picks her up. He carries her into the hall and to her parents. He sits her down in a chair and looks at her one more time. He turns and walks up to Colton.

"She is going to have a hard time walking for a while, she will need some help getting home."

With that Hara turns and walks out of the palace. Colton throws his hands up in the air and walks over to his sister Cassie.

"Cas you need to have a talk with your friend. I don't know what the hell is going on, but fucking Hara just left again."

Cassie looks to Colton, then to Kami, who sits and watches as Hara walks away. Immediately Cassie would yell out.

"Shingo Hara!!"

Hara would immediately stop, he turned his head, cut his eyes to Cassie with an angry look upon his face.

"Ya, that's right, Shingo.."

She said it one more time, as he slowly began to walk in her direction with a fierce look in his eyes. Kami would let out a sigh as she lowered head. Colton would look to William, shake his head and nod in Cassie's direction. William would take a step up in front of Cassie as Hara stood inches from her face. Cassie not phased one bit.

"This bullshit will stop now. The two of you are acting like..." She turns to Colton. "My Parent's!!"

Colton laughed as he shook his head. Cassie would slide William out of Hara's face as she stepped up to him.

"Don't think for a moment, you walking up to me scares me!"

She turned to look to William and Colton then back to him.

"You forgot who trained you, Hara. This cat & mouse game you and Kami are playing with each other needs to stop."

She turns to Kami.

"Here, you need to sit and read this." She gives Kami her cell phone, with the text message from Colton explaining Hara's actions. She turns to Hara.

"Now you.."

She grabs Hara by the arm walking him away from nosey ears.

"All I am going to tell you. is that girl sitting in that chair, reading a text I got from Colton, explaining your actions, cares a lot about you, ok."

Hara would look up from Cassie's face and over to Kami as she continued to look at the phone.

"I know you care about her too. It's fucking obvious to everyone but her!" She tugs Hara's shirt, drawing his attention back to her.

"But she will now." She pushes Hara to the side as she walks over to where Kami sits.

"Kami, you are one of my closest friends, you have been for many years, and in that time, we have shared a lot of secrets, some hard truths and some heartaches, with this being said..."

Kami looks up and over to Hara.

"Stop being a spoiled ass brat! Hara is not JR. Stop treating him like you don't care about him, when we all know you do! Hara is not going to walk up and slap the taste out of your mouth like I will for making him feel useless, not wanted and not worthy of your company."

Everyone's mouth drops open. Lily smiles and nudges Colton, William shakes his head smiling, Hara stands in shock and Kami's face turns red with embarrassment.

Cassie gets closer to Kami's face. "But what I am going to do is tell you, that you won't find another man that would bend over backwards for you like he does. So, straighten y’all’s shit up, and get it together. You both have important matches coming up and I.."

She turns to Colton.

"We, won't stand by and watch you fuck this all up!"

She backs away from Kami, looking at everyone as they stand silently. Colton walks up and stands next to Cassie. He looks at both Hara and Kami.

"Cass is right. We don't have time for your YA teen love bullshit. You like her and she likes you. Ok, now that is done. We must get you guys ready for your matches; from this point forward, we think only about the matches. You both represent the Family first and foremost. So, you are not going to go at this half assed. You will be ready. We will make sure you are ready. Kami, Lily here is nurse and a sports therapist. She is going to take care of your injuries. She will be the final word. That other doctor is just a stooge for Ultimate Wrestling. They don't care about you. They will put you in hurt. Lily took care of me and Cass while we were wrestling so she knows what she is doing. Now, it is time to train. Kami, say your goodbyes and meet us in the car."

The four of them head out of the palace and to the street, as Colton calls for a car. Hara walks over to Kami.

"That was a lot from them. If you don't want me at your place I will move to the dojo, but right now they are right. We need to get ready for these matches. They are not going to be easy, and we both know they are gunning for us, for you. So, if you want, we put everything on the back burner for now and deal with this. I know your leg is most likely still not at a hundred percent, but do not worry, I will not carry you."

Hara reaches out his arm to her and helps her up. "Just lean on me and I will help you say goodbye to your parents, Tenshi."

She slowly smiled. She knew in her heart that Cassie and Colton were both right. Hara was not JR, but him leaving, proved that he could, and would abandon her when things got rough. Perhaps his actions were justified, maybe Hara did feel unwelcome. Her intensions were good, she only wanted him to feel comfortable. She reached for his arm, trusting her body weight in his arms. They walked up to her parents as her mother would greet them both. Hara would bow his head, still holding Kami as straight as possible. Kami’s father would extend his hand to Hara.

"What's your name, son?" Hara would shake his hand.

"The name is Hara, sir." Kami's father nodded.

"Thank you for saving my Tenshi. She can be a bit of a handful, though I am sure you already know that."

The two of them would chuckle. Kami's mother would look to Kami with a concerned look upon her face.

"Who is this boy, Kami?"

She would turn from her mother's face, she would look to her grandfather, then to Hara with a smile. "He is my Oji"

The emperor would nod and smile. Her father would also smile, her mother would nod as Hara stood shocked with a slight smile on his face.

He stands up straighter and looks at Kami's parents. He nods to both as he helps Kami out of the palace. Outside they make their way to their friends as a black Lincoln Navigator pulls up. Colton gets in the front seat, and they head down the road to the dojo. Inside the car, Hara leans over to Kami, whispering in her ear.

“So, I am not a toad anymore?” He would smile.

Kami in return gives him a sarcastic grin. “Oh, you’re still a toad…you’re just the prince who hasn’t been kissed.” She turns towards the window and smiles.

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