Try to avoid this website, this website is totally a scammed.If you are surfing this site or want to earn some cash from this site, you will be wasting your time in vein.
This site has no identical proof that it will surely pay you.Hence your minimum payout for this site is 50$ but when you reach the saturation amoubt and want to redeem those earnings you will not be eligible to do so.As this site is totally acscammed one.
After you sign in, in this website you will be provided with 1worker and 1ultraworker where they will provide you with daily 1$ login advantage.Furtjer you can buy your ultraworkers for increasing your daily login amount.You will be surprised when you check the offer prize they provide you.Its more than 1000 cents.No genune site pays as high as this site.
Thus this site is a fraud.