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RE: The girls are off grid

I'm glad to see them drop it! I mean it's all well and good how you dress in you own life and I'm all for women doing what they feel is empowering but I am not a fan of the over-sexed up world we are now in. It's everywhere, it's degrading to women AND men - I'm all for bringing back meaningful, real relationships and getting as far away from this throw away, fake and pointless tinder world we are currently in..
Maybe this will start a huge conversation about this image society puts up in all of our faces of this perfect barbie, eye candy -only good for one thing woman.
Society makes every man want her (but only for one thing cause you know "those girls" could never be faithful) and every woman want to BE her .. not realizing ^ that ^ double standard, they just see the love and want to have it. This Hoe/Housewife problem is killing the younger generations, it's scary because they know no different. Then we are all wondering why the divorce rate is skyrocketing and everyone is isolated and unhappy..

SORRY! end rant omg just saw how much I typed..


You are a smart smart woman @amariespeaks! I actually completely agree with everything you said. And on top of your points, I would also say the mind manipulations occur in so many other ways too. From what political party we think we should support, to sending our boy/girls over to far away lands to "protect" us here in the "USA". There is a massive machine that is designed to keep us dumb and useless, and in most cases sadly that machine succeeds.

There is so much waste in so many areas that I could write 10x what you wrote and still just be on the intro. I'm happy that you 3 decided to work together and make a decision about this post. I know we have to start our boundaries from somewhere and adjust as we learn, so I'm proud of you all just making a decision.

If nothing else comes of it, I get to see some fire in your belly (definitely on this issue). And while we all have our pet peeves we dislike about particular subjects, I respect you and your thoughts on this subject.

Thank you @davemccoy I try to be as respectful of others as possible when it comes to differing opinions - I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech (not just freedom for those who share my values but all sides) I couldn't agree with you more about the mass mind control machine - its got its claws buried deep within us all - sometimes in such hidden, "accepted" ways that we forget they are even there.. what a great response thanks @davemccoy!