Save our Sharks

in #underwater8 years ago

Just hanging out with a couple of bull sharks haha

Since Hollywood is continuously causing people to fear sharks by putting out stupid movies about sharks (#47metersdown) misrepresenting how they actually behave… I thought it would be appropriate to create a composite image showing sharks in the complete opposite view of what these movies are doing. Both the Hollywood movies and this photo are fake, but people need to change their views on sharks… they are not man eating monsters, they are however threatened by extinction because humans kill around 100 million sharks every year. There is currently a bill in the senate S. 793 and house H.R. 1456 to eliminate the shark fin trade, which would be a good first step towards saving the sharks.

Szilard Janko Photography Instagram @SzJanko



a much needed perspective! nice!

Yes, we need to change the way people view sharks! Thank you! I will be posting many more shark related photographs on here that are not photoshopped, I just thought this one would be a good piece to start off with :)

That was easy. Those are not loansharks! 😊

haha! yea I would take these sharks any day over loansharks :))