The Message Is Clear, Warnings Have Been Issued - Episode 1560a

in #unemployment7 years ago

The unemployment numbers are out and the unemployment rate is down to 3.9%. Nothing has changed, we are still using the same calculation which is manipulated to give the appearance that the economy has recovered, more people dropped out of the workforce and the unemployment rate is at the lower point since the 70's. Trade talks did not go well with China. The central bank and the establishment are pushing the agenda to blame the crash of the economy on Trump, one thousand economist signed a letter telling Trump to stop what he is doing.


Thanks again, Dave.

When the unemployment number goes to negative 1% and you still have people collecting unemployment, everyone will know the game is rigged.

I love that... Negative Unemployment.

Thanks Dave, Good report.

The same situation that was in 2008 is happening again. I hope this time it will be the last one. Get ready.

We the People will win the Battle, by removing the Central Bank Owners control over "those" who make our Laws...

There are so many empty store fronts up here in northern Illinois that those holding commercial properties have to be hurting right now .