Those who engage in violence are cowards. They are why they use violence instead of peace. Violence is used by those who don't have anything to stand on. They need the violence to force their own will and ego, rather than standing in the power and authority of their own spirit.
Most world leaders are cowards. Instead of talking peace and healing their people they would rather threaten and retaliate against perceived slights.
They sold their soul in exchange for the proceeds of violence. When confronted about their actions, their shame tarnishes their actions and they will have to stand to account for their decisions.
It takes a strong person to admit when they are wrong and extend the olive branch or their hand in friendship. When they are confronted with their actions and words, they know in their hearts they are wrong but cover it up with more violence. They cannot accept their part and will not face up to the consequences until they are forced to.
May we all find the courage to hold up the mirror so that these violent offenders 'see' and 'hear' what they are doing. May their hearts be softened through the experience so that they can find salvation and healing. I forgive them all but work hard to rebuke and confront them. This is not an easy, pretty or comfortable process for everyone.