As homeschooling parents of 5 kids in the 90’s in the Bronx, my husband and I had our own battle against the CPS. Thankfully we were supported by a legal organization that gave us good counsel. We refused them entrance to our house and the next day the police came knocking on our door apparently with a warrant. Me and the kids had to stay out of the house for almost three days while my husband daily confronted CPS for a copy of the warrant which they refused until the night before we were supposed to appear in court. Our legal support handled everything without us at court and got the case thrown out. The court stenographer actually praised our lawyer for standing against the CPS. She said they were always abusing their power.
I can’t even begin to describe the fear and stress I endured during this time. But I hate even more to think what would have happened if we didn’t make a stand against them.
Your message needs to be heard. I commend this woman for her courage as well. And thank you for offering her the support and guidance to make it a little easier. We need more of your spirit in this world.
We are taking a very similar approach as what you shared. I thank you for sharing our story. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to confront them like you did. Bravo to you and your husband for doing everything you could to protect your sons and / or daughters. To have the court agents commend your lawyer on the efforts is indeed something to carry with you for the rest of your life. It is rare that they make comments like that! <3 Your message needs to be heard too! It is possible to put these pirates back into the box from where they came. You did it! Bravo!