
It is exactly because of this over drama they are perceived this way.

He is perpetuating a bad and OLDSTEEM
way of thinking and it's lame and short sighted

Well we certainly can use a paradigm shift

marky mark beanie jerkoff sanders are the ones flagging everyone and then complain and tell people the opposite of what is fact
you would think your watching mainstream news listening to these clowns
keep informing people of these problems sir and hopefully the majority here will wake up
i personally flag nobody since i believe everyone has a right to their opinion even if i hate some of them and nobody should be flagged for voicing their beliefs
cheers and good comment and completely true


Point to one flag flown on my content that was beneficial. One of the hundreds.

Bernie is perhaps the most prolific flagger on the platform. I don't see any benefit to anyone - any person - from any flag he's flown.

I've seen you fly a lot of flags for no good reason as well. You seem to be very willing to simply censor people because you don't like them, and you certainly like extracting your outsize share of rewards after they've been flagged back to the pool.

Pot calling kettles black. Makes me ashamed of your avatar.

I don't see any benefit to anyone - any person - from any flag he's flown.


He's so cracked that most of his flags are bs now.

But, you seem to have missed out on the times when he was the only whale that gave a fuck about bullshit or plagiarism on trending.

Ever considered how much money he threw away by flagging? Nope. Imagine he went full Haejin. He would have made more. Mined stake or not.

" seem to have missed out on the times when he was the only whale that gave a fuck about bullshit or plagiarism on trending."

I've only been here a couple years. I may have missed that because it happened before I got here, or because I simply ignore trending.

Thanks for the info though.

Point is, he did lots of good, but the him right now is not that good.

I appear to be ignorant of the former, and can but agree with the latter.

I never flagged you.

All my flags have a good reason, I don't because I disagree with someone or I don't like them.

I didn't say you had flagged me. @stembot has flown a lot of flags, and I've seen flags you've flown on this account for what seems to be mere personal reasons. Certainly it is true I have no idea of what's in your head, but appearances can be revealing.

appearances can be revealing.

Apparently not. Did you actually check out what was flagged?

For the most part, no. But I have been present and witnessed flags flown for what I recall being mere personal antipathy. I didn't keep a ledger and don't care enough to sift through the thousands of flags to post a list. It's my recollection of my impression at the time based on my personal presence on posts where I witnessed the event.

I don't feel with my eyes. My recollection is of what I perceived. My feelings about my recollections are why I discuss them, but my perceptions themselves are not feelings.

Then, it's not relevant. Feelings are not facts.

Stembot was being decommissioned and I used a lot of voting power to flag before removing the delegation. All the flags were for spam and abuse. Not a single one was because I didn't like someone or I was having a hissy fit.

I have been a witness to flags you've claimed to have flown for reasons you stated were based on dislike for a person or their opinion, few I specifically recall other than noting it happened. Perhaps @drugwars might jog your memory.

Not that I actually care a great deal, and I don't keep a ledger FFS. My actual issue with your impact on Steem is that you run a bidbot, and the reason it matters to me is because is devalues humanity, equating humanity to mere devices. No matter how that is done, for what reasons it is done, that fundamental degradation cannot be mitigated, and going forward I believe that degradation will prove, if it has not already, to be of existential import.

It's easy to point and laugh at that philosophical line in the sand, and say 'it's just about some money', but the fact is that technology advances, and machines have already been granted citizenship. Slopes are slippery, and that's a fact.

Society is people, and applying rights to machines or devices is a step onto that slope.

Please stop.

I never flagged anyone because of drug wars. Get your facts straight.