Steemit is a great place to form solid and positive communities. This aspect attracts great minds, spirits and souls together in sharing and growing. There is a monetary portion to this platform however. Monetary gains will drive groups of people for sure. I think the answer has to come from the question of what the user perceives the platform to be. Some will think relationship, love, peace, inspiration and some will move to money, power, greed and dominance. When it all boils down in the end and all the flags have stopped flying ask why are you here. Will you be a beat down whale that has fallen on downtrodden income or an individual who has made connections that are worth more than money? The users here for growth and connection will still be here when the dust settles and there will always be those who pursue money first. It doesn't matter which side you are on as long as you stand on your principles. In the end there will always be disparity in material object because the amount that they are coveted by people varies through the population. Some have more because they want the most and some have less cause they are not interested in the material things.
All that matters is who you are and if you remain true to your principles. In the end that is all that counts.