
There is a risk of isolation, but I've also found that my stand weeds out the people that don't resonate with my views and opens me up to relationships that do. I've meet a lot of wonderful people along my journey and I have no doubt that when Christ said "For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law." he meant it. I've witnessed this in my own life. But I've also learned how to mourn and I recognize that I'm doing this for spiritual reasons, not physical or even fictional. Despite this fictional interface, I pray that we all find spiritual wealth from the sharing that we do. Thank you for writing. Peace to you.

Did you find it hard separating the spiritual from the physical?

Absolutely as the two are bound together in this form. It is difficult to talk about one without the other. It took me over 40 years just to realize that there is a difference, let alone working to find a balance between the two.