
Step one take responsibility for your action and inaction.

In a "free" society you have multiple options.

1: Use your voice encourage others to your point of view there is power in numbers or perhaps your already inside the majority in wich case encourage them to action.

2: you have a vote if you don't use it don't ask me to respect your voice when you complain your non participation means your just making a lot of noise signifying nothing.

3: put up or shut up. If your legitimately for change get involved in politics join a party that reflects your views if that doesn't exist then make one and if your views win the majority then change happens if not then maybe its time for some self reflection maybe your views aren't the best and your belief that everyone should comform to them is delusional.

4: radical resistance

If you live under a non democratic system like totalitarianism you still have choices you may not like them they may be harder or more dangerous to choose.

I truly struggle to think of any government in the world that could withstand a true up rising of its people.

Which is why I say we are responsible for thesystems that govern us and that no government exists with out the will of its people.

Quite interesting points you elaborated and i absorb all of those points My Friend :)

What's the worth of that Vote when the system is going to hi-jacked the whole Electoral Process? What one should do when the Rigged election is prevailed all over the country?

Do the people agree? Do the overwhelming majority of your countrymen believe that your government has lost its right to govern?

Or is it something you and a bunch of other people think?

If its the first one kick the government out, fight over throw it, a government cannot withstand its people.

I agree. I've yet to see a majority view that the government as no longer fit to govern. So to answer the question of the debate, that means they still have the legitimacy to govern given to them by the people no matter how much they bitch and complain about it!

a government cannot withstand its people.
I said in my main comment that Masses are responsible for every type of condistion they are facing indeed. Because of two reasons
1- Lack of Education
2-Lack of freedom of expressionWell, @shai-hulud very much logical point you put here like

Yes @wwf they have the legitimacy to govern the people, because people chose them.