The core logic to create human was to make this universe more beautiful by showing Sympathy and Peace upon him. It is the approach of humans who disturbed the Peace and brought violence, i am agreed to these awesome lines My Friend
Our bodies are the temples for us 'spiritual' beings. As such, if we abandon that which was granted to us by Creator, we reject it all and fall pray to those who would use violence, force and coercion to govern the fallen.
I am contributing at my end to eradicate this evil thing violence from the society through the light of knowledge. Today in my class i addressed my students about Child Abuse and made them aware all three spots which i mentioned my writing.
So, basically we need to educate our generations My Friend, you're doing really good in this regard and yes I am your soldier to promote this great mission of yours to all the world :) :)
Thank you King Salman, Your Grace. I applaud your initiative to bring awareness to your students. However, I must point out that you are not a 'soldier' as they are instruments of war and violence. :) I see you as my spiritual brother, walking side by side for peace. <3
Oh thanks My Lord, King is really happy to hear from you :D :D
I am Sufi Soldier means i am a Spiritual Guy but i have physical training to face any brutality just for self defense Lord @wwf ;)