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RE: Happy Solar New Year

in #ungrip7 years ago

I also celebrate Yule time with my friends, sadly our often amazing solstice gathering was not quite the same this year. I still got to celebrate with a ton of like minded people in an actual pyramid and danced around a sacred fire to the drumbeat, so that was great! I can't wait to put together a post about it when I find the time.

I prefer the pagan inspired celebrations that turn with the wheel of the year, though I attend the rather normal celebrations and holidays with my family.

I feel like I was rejuvinated this solstice, and although still in the season of rest, I feel the light stirring and coming back along with energy, motivation and dreams of the future <3


I look forward to reading your post. Sounds wonderful. I love learning about customs of other people. Brilliant! thank you for sharing.

I hope to get deep into the pagan holiday origins, which go hand in hand with ancient Irish lore. One of my favorite subjects. I will not run out of ancient history blog topics ever!